
The Real Truth About Getting Six Pack Abs

If you want great six pack abs but are not convinced that you could ever achieve having them then think again! Anyone, and I really mean anyone, can get great looking six pack abs, but the time it takes to get them will always vary for each individual because it will primarily depend upon how high their body fat percentage levels are, and the amount of effort they are willing to put into achieving their goal. One thing is for certain, there are no short-cuts, getting a six pack and a muscular body will take a lot of hard work and 100% dedication and cannot be achieved overnight...if this doesn't sound acceptable to you then you don't need to read any further and you had better start getting comfortable with your body being the shape it is because it isn't going to change without effort!
So...Honestly, Can Anyone Get Six-Pack Abs Regardless of Body Fat Percentage Levels?
Here's the honest truth, it will take someone who is 100 pounds overweight exactly the same time to get a six pack as it would take someone who is 10 pounds overweight if the exact levels of exercise are performed and the exact same diet is used, but...and this is a big but, the person who was only 10 pounds overweight will be able to see their six pack whereas the person who was extremely overweight cannot see their six pack because it will still be hidden beneath a thick layer of fat!
This is why individuals who have a higher body fat percentage will need to place more emphasis on getting rid of fat than targeting the ultimate goal of building muscle. Of course, both lowering BFP and building muscle can be done simultaneously but it stands to reason that the more body fat an individual has the longer it will take to see the desired results.
How Quickly Can Six-Pack Abs Be Obtained?
Again, this depends primarily on how much fat needs to be lost and the effort applied to doing so. If we take someone who is 30 pounds overweight for example, who is following a good workout routine 5 or 6 days a week, a low fat, high protein diet and cardiovascular fat burning exercises to speed up fat loss then we would be looking at achieving goal at around the twelve week mark. For someone who is not overweight, or just slightly overweight, it would take less time and obviously, for those who need to lose more than 30 pounds, it will take longer.
What is the Best Way To Go About Building Abs?
First of all, let's get one thing straight, although the six pack, or abdominal muscle group, is focused on in this article, you cannot simply target this group of muscles. In order to have the best abs possible you must work on, and build, all the body's muscle groups and the best way of doing this is by following a good muscle development program. You must ensure the program you decide to use not only provides you with adequate training information with sensible training schedules to help you build muscle quickly and safely but combine this information with a diet plan and fat burning cardiovascular workouts.
You can of course devise your own training and diet plan if following a program feels too restrictive for you, some people have been successful doing it their own way but, for the vast majority of people, following a program which has been devised by an expert is the far quicker and painless option and will generally offer a much higher success rate, talking of success...
What Are Your Chances Of Success?
When all is said and done, far more people who try to get a six pack or develop a muscular physique fail miserably, not because they are following the wrong program (although this does happen!) but because they lack the motivation to carry their training through. However, if you have the determination to see things through and you put in the required effort there is no reason why your success shouldn't be guaranteed.

