
Best Ways to Build Muscle

So there are by far more articles on how to build muscle fast than how to lose fat. Then there is probably the same amount again that will tell you how to do the both at the same time.

So what are the real set in stone golden rules of building muscle?

Firstly stop trying to reinvent the wheel is my number one rule. Stick to the basic compound exercises that have stood the test of time. These exercises are great for packing on good quality muscle by using large muscle groups at the same time. The science here is that during a compound exercise you are recruiting more motor units which in turn recruit more muscle fibres than isolation exercises. The more muscle fibres you can use during any given training session the more stimulus you are placing on the muscle to grow. The muscle will then grow as fast and as strong as it can to keep up with the stimulus. However all the muscle asks in return is that you give it rest in between training. I'm sure you have heard this a 1000 times, the muscle is not growing when you are in the gym. Its growing when your sat on the sofa eating your high protein meals.

So how much is enough stimulus and rest?

It's the million dollar question and one that has fitness and muscles guru's still arguing over today. However what I can say everyone agree's on is - train compound exercises before isolation exercises, make sure you then rest that particular muscle group for up to a week depending on how quickly your body heals and re-generates. You certainly wont be training it again within 72 hours, if you're looking for muscle growth. The muscle will be healing and growing stronger within this time frame, that all guru's agree on. In terms of stimulus once you have chosen your exercise for your muscle group, the most popular sets and reps range to produce hypertrophy of the muscle (where the fibres split and re-grow in mass and not density) is 10 sets of 10 reps. This form of training, called German volume training was one the staple training routines of German olympic lifting teams in the off-season. Its ability to pack on muscle is still well documented today and it is still a very popular form of training.

But what makes the muscle grow?

Well all the stimulus in the world will not actually make the muscle grow. All that does is tell the body "hey we are struggling to lift this weight on a weekly basis we need to get stronger". So muscle fibre and motor unit recruitment asks the body to grow.

What is the answer?

The building blocks of muscles are amino acids. To start building muscle, amino acid supplementation needs to happen straight after muscle stimulus has taken place. Ideally forty-five minutes to an hour after training. These amino acids come from the intake of protein. Amino acid chains are simply what your body turns protein that you digest into. These then become the building blocks of muscle. So that liquid protein shake that you drink straight after a work out has the potential to become solid tangible muscle, something you can see and use. I think you will agree the body is amazing, it can take an outside source of nutrition and turn it into solid muscle that can then be used to move heavier weights at a higher intensity, amazing.

What is the best protein?

Well again the fitness gods pretty much agree on whey protein being the fastest absorbing and best quality protein to give your body after a workout. Whey being a milk protein compound "curds and whey".

Also have a think about this.

When is the longest period of your day when you go with out food? When your asleep right? Now when is your body most likely to grow, heal and repair itself? When your off-line right? So at night you need a different kind of protein. Say you sleep for eight hours, you will need a protein that is slow release through out those eight hours. The best slow release protein is again dairy based its called casein and is found in high amounts in cottage cheese or you can buy it as a powder

In conclusion, If you combine all the above you are well on your way to building muscle.

I can help you with all aspects of personal fitness training. Whatever your needs or your personal training history, i can help you achieve your goals.

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