
Is The Rack Workout Station Effective?

When it comes to losing weight and getting fit, everyone wants to get from point A to point B in as straight of a path as possible. No one wants to waste their time with useless exercise gimmicks and methods.
The Rack is another "as seen on TV" exercise device that is catching attention. However, since consumers are fed up with being ripped off, many are skeptical of its effectiveness. Does The Rack all-in-one gym work, or is it a glorified granny walker?
First, in order for an exercise device to be effective, it needs to do a good job at giving you a workout and it must challenge your endurance, your strength, or both. For example, dumbbells are effective in that they put stress on your muscles, which forces your muscles to become stronger so that they can adapt to the load they are having to lift. Treadmills are effective in that they provide a controllable surface to run on, and challenge your endurance.
To challenge your strength, The Rack relies on your own bodyweight and its own weight to provide resistance. The Rack weighs around 30 lbs. For some of the exercises, it is used like a barbell for curls, shoulder presses, squats and more.
Many of the exercises rely on your bodyweight to challenge your muscles. There are several grip positions for different variations of push-ups. The Rack can also be used for dips, pull-ups, and several ab exercises. There are wheels on it so exercises like ab rollouts can be done.
The Rack folds into 3 different positions so that a variety of bodyweight exercises can be performed.
Honestly, to judge whether or not The Rack is effective or not it would really depend on what your goals are. If your sole goal is to build muscle, then there are far better options out there. In terms of muscle building, this isn't the thing to get. Dumbbells and weight machines work best for that. To build muscle you need to stay in the 8-12 repetition range and you must be 1-2 reps away from muscle failure when you finish a set.
This isn't ideal for bodybuilders because the resistance it provides is limited to your body weight and The Rack's weight. However, for the average person using it, they will still build some muscle. Their muscle growth will be limited. They will only put on enough muscle for them to handle the load they are using. Once their muscles can handle the load of their body weight, and The Rack's 30 lbs, growth will stop.
So what is The Rack effective for? It's absolutely perfect for weight loss and getting lean!

