
Aerobic exercise by definition meansith oxygen

Aerobic exercise by definition meansith oxygen?When you exercise at a certain level, your cardiovascular and respiratory system supplies oxygen to your muscles at a rate equal to their usage.That is why your pulse increase with activity;it is the heart attempt to keep the blood flowing and maintain your cells access to oxygen.When your muscles utilize oxygen faster than your circulation can supply it you have begun what is called anaerobic exercise.When this occurs, lactic acid,a byproduct oa anaerobic exercise,builds up in your muscles.The burning you feel in your leg muscles when you hike up a steep hill is a result oa lactic acid buildup.when you rest and the oxygen level catches upto muscle usage,this lactic acid is metabolized in the normal aerobic pathways.In the amount that you exercise in one way or the other varies with different muscles,levels of exercise and your fitness. This is where training comes in . If you want to hike to those high mountain vistas, you need to work up to those strenuous hikes.Exercise strenthhens heart muscle and improves heart efficiency, enabling your heart to make more oxygen available to muscles and dalaying excessive anaerobic activity.It lowers your resting heart rate and increases the heart ability to return to ies resting rate faster.What are some other benefits to exercising aerobically?First it improves cardiovascular fitness by increasing collarteral circulation around clogged blood vessels and reducing the level of ad cholesterolhile increasing the ood cholesterol? How does aerobic exercise benefit hikers?as you improve your aerobic fitness,your ability to go up steep hills increases,and when you stop for a rest,you recover more quickly.

