
Best Exercises To Lose Weight - Fat Burn V Carbs

Ever wonder what the best exercises to lose weight was? Ever wonder if you could jump straight in and give it a go? This article aims to give those doubters a fighting chance at losing weight and getting that body they always dreamed of. By comparing both fat burning exercises and cardiovascular exercises the reader will get an understanding of both and what the best exercises to lose weight are and where they should start their quest to lose weight depending on their own fitness levels. Before starting any fitness regime, I suggest getting the all clear from your doctor first, especially diabetic and heart patients who may require some medical advice before starting. After all you want to lose weight the right way. Running to lose weight is one of the very best exercises to lose weight.

Ultimately step aerobics burns the most calories at a rate of 600 every 45 minutes, but really any exercise that involves you changing it up a bit like circuit training or interval training will work just as well. When choosing the best exercises to lose weight for yourself remember to pick something that you will enjoy day in and day out as there is nothing worse than dreading the task ahead. Keep it fresh so you don't get bored.

Fat Burning v Carbs

Fat burning exercises are to be done in a slow and steady, low intensity motion. This ensures that your heart rate stays in the correct fitness zone of 60-70% of its maximum heart rate; you should already know what your maximum heart rate is before you start. This type of program is designed to use fat and not carbohydrates as a source of energy for your work out, the work out is long in duration (usually about an hour), and they keep your joints from wearing and getting sore. What you eat greatly enhances the success of these types of programs, seek a good diet and keep to it.

Cardiovascular exercises that involve using carbohydrates as fuel also involve the heart rate being near its peak at 80-90% heart rate maximum. Aerobics is a form of performance training as it is high in intensity and is done in a short duration that lasts between 20-30 minutes. Circuit training also falls into this category as you usually do an exercise for 5 minutes at full intensity, take a 1 minute break, and then move on to another exercise at full intensity. These types of programs burn loads of calories and keep your metabolism up throughout the day. Keeping your workouts fresh by changing it up a bit, maybe do the circuits in a different order, or do a different aerobics class every month or so will help you greatly in losing weight and keeping fit.

The best exercises to lose weight or fat in this instance would be to do 20 easy minutes on the rowing machine, switch to the bike and do another 20 easy minutes, finally do 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill to finish off your workout. Remember to keep your maximum heart rate between 60-70% for best fat burning results. The best exercises to lose weight that can be substituted into your regime include; the cross trainer, exercise bikes, rowers, step machines, treadmills and body rider fan bikes.

Ultimately fast paced, high intensity performance training cardiovascular exercises like step aerobics which tops the polls of best exercises to lose weight at 600 calories every 45 minutes. Although step aerobics is the preferred exercise among women, it concentrates on your lower body only, unless you add weights into the mix and work your upper body as well. Maximum results can be made with these exercises because your heart rate should be between 80-90% heart rate maximum. For those who are really fit get your heart rate into the 90-100% heart rate maximum, the red line zone where your body is being used with maximum possible effort.

The methods mentioned above have their benefits; it's up to you to decide which program to use as the best exercises to lose weight. Pretty soon you will be able to choose the best exercises to lose weight the right way. Good luck and stay positive.

