
Abs Workout Equiment - The Mxr Ab Workout Makes Crunching Easy

Unveiling The MXR Ab Workout Device

 The AB-MXR launched into King's Road Sporting Club on 8th November, 2011. Dust PR come up with a gathering to celebrate the first retail store for the AB-MXR with a mix of clients, customers, personal trainers, gyms and also media there.

 The window of the store had been taken over to create a powerful impact for passers-by by building a pyramid of merchandise boxes and hanging AB-MXR Workouts from the ceiling - along with models undertaking routines! It attracted plenty of attention and had the people walking by asking questions about the item and wanting to know more.

 There have been product presentations going on in store with models showcasing the entire range of exercises that you can do by using the AB-MXR workout, which created talkability at the function and Joanna, the KRSC staff and the Public relations agency were available to answer the guest's questions.

 Joanna gave a speech regarding the development of the product and the way of thinking and creative imagination about the concept. Chiropractor Doctor Mikael Porath Petersen also said a few words about the health advantages of the AB-MXR workout, since it was his input that developed the correct cervical support for the neck. Shortly after everyone was running to the tills!

 The event was a great success, and the AB-MXR Workouts were flying off the shelves through the night!

 The MXR Abdominal Work out is becoming so well liked, that even the Daily Mail are giving it a good review as disclosed here...

 "Flat abs? No sweat... A new piece of equipment promises to make sit-ups less difficult, more effective and in fact entertaining, thanks to The AB-MXR work-out.

 Sit-ups present a problem. It requires just 10 of them before your neck hurts, so we stop trying before were anywhere near to a flat tummy.

 But a brand new item of apparatus offers to make crunches easier, more beneficial and, whisper this, actually enjoyable.

 Created by health and fitness fitness instructor Joanna Kabbani, the AB-MXR workout was created to support the neck, so your sit-ups really focus on your belly fat. Its additionally perfect for recovery. According to Joanna, you only need to use it for five minutes per day.

 Cynical, I joined her for a work out. The device is weighted (up to 3kg), along with small handles, and its molded to cushion your head and neck.

 It's been analyzed by chiropractor Dr Mikael Porath Petersen from Optimal Spine Clinic, who makes clear: It assists you to do symmetrical exercises effectively and securely.

 Straight off I handled 15 sit-ups without any of my typical straining - I felt balanced and in control.

 I took the 1kg model home to trial. It was easy to move about the house and, in spite of being a whiplash victim, I was given the self-assurance that I was working out properly. Its a superb item of kit - although I may need more than five minutes with it before Im bikini ready..."


What's a Good Home Workout Routine For Men

All you need to work out at home is some planning and creativity. It's definitely possible to workout with any weights. Machines can make it easier to organize a routine, but that doesn't make them the best form of exercise. This is how to create an effective home exercise routine that will save you time and money, while still delivering excellent results.

First you must determine your method of cardiovascular exercise. Even if your main goal is to build muscle, you still need cardio training. Cardio helps to stay lean while building muscle and also makes the body more effective at building muscle. You can perform intervals of cardio between your strength training, create a circuit training program geared towards burning calories, or perform cardio all at once and then strength training all once. Another option is to do your cardio on separate days. If your main focus is developing strength, then you should rest 60-90 seconds between sets and do you cardiovascular work separately.

Some of the best home cardio options are jogging, burpees, running stairs, jump rope, box step-ups, box jumps, faux jump (jump rope without the rope), cardio kickboxing, and step aerobics. They can be used as an interval training exercise. An interval training exercise is a 30-60 second bout of cardio followed by strength training. Try to get your heart rate up between 115-135 beats per minute for best results. This technique is ideal for losing belly fat.

Planning your strength training exercises is the next step. It is a wise investment to buy two pairs of dumbbells. Purchasing one lighter pair for higher reps and one heavier pair for more strength oriented movements allows you to do many of the same movements that people do at the gym. With just a pair of dumbbells you can perform a chest press, shoulder press, squat, deadlift, lunge, step-ups, bent-over rows, upright rows, bicep curls, and triceps extensions just to name a few. It's okay if you don't have dumbbells though. It will just take a little more creativity and knowledge of bodyweight strength movements. Bodyweight squats on a wall are a great example of a lower body exercise. Start by performing a set of 25 air squats, being sure to break parallel with your hips. Next, go to the wall and perform an isometric wall squat, holding for one full minute with your knee at a 90 degree angle.

If you use the technique outline above 3x - 5x per week, then you should see results in as little as 2 weeks. As with any workout regimen, they are certain key principles that you should adhere to. First, consult your physician to see what types of exercise are right for you. Next, a proper warm up and cool down session is best to prevent injuries. Lastly, work hard and try you best!


Total Body Workout And Power Pops The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast

In every weight loss programs, the number one factor that needs to be resolved is the diet. Your diet is the most important thing to change for you to lose weight. However, changing your diet alone can make you fit and sexy, exercise will.

Power Pops by Essante is there to help you lose weight and correct your unhealthy eating behavior. Because of the Hoodia element found in every Power Pop product, you will lessen your food intake to the normal and maybe less amount and it also helps in burning excess calorie and fat deposits in your body.

Once the effects of Power Pop is starting to show, your tissues will become lose because of the fats that are burned, that why exercising and following some simple body workouts is necessary. Today, let learn about some total body workouts that you can incorporate with your Power Pop diet so you can lose those fats fast.

In using Power Pops, you don need to do strenuous exercise. Simple total and specific body workouts may do and this can be done for at least 30 minutes a day or even 30 minutes every other day or simply 3 times per week.

These exercises are just necessary to tone your loose muscles due to the release of fats. It also helps in building lean muscles that can help you burn more fats even at rest.

So let take a look on some of the total body workouts for you.

Brisk Walking, Jogging, Running

Walking, especially brisk walking is considered as the most common total body workout. Walking everyday helps in the blood circulation and therefore promotes the exchange of oxygen within the cellular level. It also tones the muscles of the whole body but it also specifically targets the lower muscle area.

With brisk walking, jogging or running, you can tone your muscles and burn calories as well. Calories are burned because of the increased activity of the whole body parts even by the organs. Walking daily or at least 3 times per week also helps increase the metabolism rate which is necessary to burn more calories.

Abdominal Exercises

Another total body workout is abdominal exercises. Though this exercise is termed as abdominal exercises, they also work the body muscles of the whole body. Each muscle is stretch and each muscle has an active cellular activity. The best thing about this exercise is the effect on the abdominal muscles.

This exercise specifically targets the abdominal muscle group and it can greatly help you lose weight and be sexy. The abdomen is the first muscle group that harbors a lot of fats because of the nature of tissues found in this area. By working on your abdominal muscles, more fats are burned and more muscles are formed.

You can do this exercise for 15 minutes daily. A normal stretching and twisting is enough. Make sure that you don stress your muscles too much because excessive workout is also a bad thing. If the muscles and tissue are stressed, your body reaction is to repair the tissues first. If your tissues are being repaired, fats are not burned.


Though swimming is a known sport it is also a total body workout. When you are swimming, your muscle body groups are working. So during swimming you can lose a lot of calories while you also tone your muscles in your entire muscle group. Swimming is definitely a great total body workout aside from its fun and easy to do.

So if you want to lose weight today, follow these total body workout regimens and the Power Pop diet. Surely, youl lose pounds after pounds in no time and youl achieve the body you wish in no time. Say goodbye to fatty abs and excessive weight and start working on your Power Pop diet and workout.


Tips to Get More Time for Workouts

A common excuse that people often come up with in order to avoid their daily workouts is complaining that they don't have any time to devote from their so-called-busy schedules. If you are really willing to shed off a few pounds and get your body back into shape, there is no short cut to reach your goal. There are a million ways to squeeze in a few minutes to dedicate towards your workout regime.

Don't Facebook your time away

Present time research shows that nowadays an average adult spends more than 7 hours sitting in front of his computer chatting on social networking sites like Facebook. Such hobbies promote inactivity, laziness and an excessive wastage of time.

Once your addiction to explore Facebook increases, you would soon find yourself devoting all your time to it. Instead of wasting so much time behind such a fruitless occupation, you should aim to reduce the time you spend on Facebook and dedicate the leftover time to tone up your body instead.

If you find it difficult to get rid of such an addictive habit, take the assistance of an experienced personal trainer who would help you organize your daily schedule. This way you will never run out of time for workouts.

Avoid doing unnecessary activities

Women seem to have a normal tendency to do tasks which they do not need to do, or worse, do not want to do. If you face similar difficulty of saying "no" to an unnecessary work, then it would be impossible for you to find some time out of your daily life for working out.

Learn to differentiate between tasks which are your priority and works which should be categorized as a sheer wastage of time and energy. Once you stop devoting time to irrelevant activities, you will find ample time to go for jogging, indulge in yoga or visit a gym.

Proper daily planning

It is impossible that you have no time left for working out after completing all the tasks in a day. This can only happen if you do not plan your day in advance and denote a fix time for each and every activity of your daily life. Organizing your daily planner in a methodical way is bound to leave a few minutes for you to train your body.

A resourceful planner aims to get all the major tasks done during the time of the day when one's focus is at the prime peak. The less important works can be scheduled at daily intervals around the clock. Once you know what to do when, you will automatically find enough time to go about workout sessions.
Multitasking slows you down

It is a commonly mistaken notion that multitasking helps you complete several goals at once. Multitasking might have many advantages. But, it has a common disadvantage. It divides your attention between all those tasks that you try to achieve at the same time. Hence you would be unable to focus on any single activity.

As a result, you tend to take up more time performing each task. It is common to panic when you have a lot of work to take care off in the span of 24 hours. But it would be more effective for you if you relaxed your mind and took out the time to write down a to-do list.

This way you would be able to tackle one task at a time. All your attention would be dedicated to that task alone and you would be able to efficiently complete it in a much shorter time. You would never again run out of time for toning up your body.


The Best Exercises For The Lower Ab Workout

Finding the right exercises for a lower ab workout isn't necessarily easy. The thing is, when you find one, it's hard to gauge whether or not it's one of the best. Toning up the abdominal region generally is one of the hardest goals to possess. A bulging mid-section takes a lot of hard work to reduce.

 Lots of people get into such a hurry that they strain themselves. Whenever you exercise like crazy and also you aren't eating right also, you are on a route to disaster. You need to learn to pick the right regular activities for your abs, plus a good ab workout, in addition to good nutrition and diet. If you're able to do this, then you can be successful in getting the abs you need.

 If you have too much fat inside your abdominal area, then its going to take a good amount of ab exercises to find the abs toned up. And when you work on your abs, you cannot just focus on the abs and target them for exercise only. It takes a full body workout to start with to uncover the fat from your abs.

 Whenever you're strengthening your core, it's a good indication that your workout works well. You muscles will quickly tone up whenever your excess fat reaches a healthy state. But it takes diet together with your exercise to really have the results you need. Interval cardio training is one of the exercises most recommended for this function. And if you like, and may afford it, a personal trainer is a good idea for benefit your routine.

 Supine reverse crunches are good exercises that may help you along with the abs. For these your lying on your back again, hands under bum. While you raise your legs this time, you bend the knees in a ninety degree angle. And after this contract your abdomen region while keeping this position. Hold the knees at this angle as you gradually lower them until your feet are a few inches above the ground. Then after a few seconds increase your knees right up to your chest while tensing your stomach muscles concurrently. Repeat several times.

 The alternating supine leg walk can help you too. Assume exactly the same position again, with hands under buttocks. Lift the legs vertically and contract the abs again. Hold for any second before you resume your original position. Now continue this with the other leg as well as some times for both.

 If a person suffers with back problems, be sure you talk to your doctor about attempting these kinds of exercises. If you cannot do these, ask the doctor about some alternatives that will still help with your abs. 



What's not to love about circuit training? Combining heart-pumping elements of cardio with strength-training moves means you torch calories while toning muscles. It's just so efficient.

Here's a fun yet challenging circuit workout I did recently with my Equinox trainer Lauren. The workout has you performing each exercise for a minute, which means you need to keep a stopwatch handy, but you have the luxury of not needing to count.

Get the details of this circuit after the break.

Instructions: Work through the first circuit three times and rest for one to two minutes between each round. Rest and stretch for three minutes, then begin the second circuit, for a total of three times. Try to complete this workout in 45 minutes or less.

For this workout you will need: an exercise ball, a five-kilogram (around 10-pound) medicine ball, and 10-pound dumbbells.


Is what I'm doing helping me?

The free film making workshops run by SSPAN are carefully designed to include all aspects of filmmaking. From story creation to acting, filming, editing and post production these young people are creating a DVD about decision making.

At an event for Youth Awareness Week 7 participants gathered together to learn more about acting, scripting and producing a short film for publication as a DVD . Today was their first day.

"We acted out scenes with different outcomes, getting a feel for what's to come" said Aaron Mirto.

Research was conducted through peer surveys about what young people perceive to be mental health issues for them, what do they find helpful and what are the barriers for getting help.
Youth from the Ulladulla Youth Centre and the Bay and Basin Resource Centre became the youth focus group who reviewed the surveys and developed the script for the DVD.
Drama exercises were led by Tim Hudman, a psychologist from the Youth Mental Health, Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISHLD).
Wendi Hobbs from Crossroads Youth Health, said "It's an amazing experience to work with such wonderfully talented young people. This is an example of the ISHLD working in partnership with the community to highlight issues of mental health with young people and enhance appropriate help seeking behavior".
Later this week Mindblank INC. are conducting professional acting and filmmaking workshops with these youths in order to complete the DVD for use as an educational resource.
Bruce Murphy, President of Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention and Awareness Network commended Shoalhaven City Council on providing funding to assist in the development of this innovative and creative enterprise.


Get Your Body Back: Jackie Warner Talks Burning Fat (and Cheat Days!) With FitOrbit

The transition from April to May always strikes me as one of the most horrid times of the year - it's not quite beach season, so technically, I still have some time to tone up those areas (read: hips, thighs, glutes) that spent the winter comfortably covered in layers of wool and fat - but my goal is so far out of reach that I'll probably lose motivation and just sleep in every weekend from now until June. Enter Jackie Warner. 

It's been just short of four years since we saw the blonde celebrity fitness guru and two-time New York Times best selling author in her own reality television show, Work Out, and seemingly longer since we actually toyed with the idea of getting a personal trainer. Lucky for us, Jackie's new endeavor, FitOrbit, provides affordable, no-nonsense personal training and nutrition advice online for a flat rate of - get ready - $40. I KNOW. Not only does that buy you unlimited one-on-one attention from an A-list trainer and a personalized meal plan, but you can do it on your time, right from the comfort of your own home. I caught up with Jackie to talk about FitOrbit, cheat days, and life after reality TV. Just for the record, her tough love, no-frills attitude is just as endearing as it was on TV.

How exactly does FitOrbit work?
It's a little different than an online training site. First, you get paired with a live trainer that helps you get through your daily workout and adjusts your food intake - it focuses so much on food, which I've always said is the key to weight management and just feeling good overall! On the site, you can type in your zip code and find alternatives for things like fast food restaurants, or get the calorie count and the sugar content of your favorite foods and find alternatives. I also love that whatever program your interested in, whether it be dance or pilates, you can type that in and find out what your workout is for the day. I could have worked with anyone but I love how simple and inspiring FitOrbit is. It's everywhere in the United States and parts of Europe, because it's online, you can get access anywhere.


3 Mistakes That You Should Avoid in Workouts

Having a workout can be an experience that is refreshing and energizing. Most people go to workouts in order to feel better and in order to get a body that is aesthetically pleasing to themselves and to others.

Of course, some people don't get a chance to go to the gym in their daily hectic schedules; but people that are health and fitness conscientious find the time in their schedule to go to a gym or a sports saloon to do a 30 minute or a 1 hour workout. Unfortunately, most people who go to the gym make the simple 3 mistakes outlined below and they end up using their time and efforts to no purpose and soon they get disillusioned and they leave their workout sessions.

Never try to overexert yourself as this is the number one mistake done by people who are doing a workout. A successful exercise or a workout is not a situation in which you feel totally depleted afterwards. Rather in contrast a good workout should leave you refreshed and energized along with being ready for the day's work ahead. The ideal workout time is usually between 30 to 45 minutes, but it can be raised up into an hour with controlled supervision and planning.

The second mistake that most exercisers make is the fact that they concentrate on just a single type of exercise such as weightlifting or push ups. On the contrary, the best workout program should give you a detailed workout that involves your heart, muscles, tendons and lungs for maximum benefit. For example, you can try a workout plan that combines 20 minutes of aerobics with 15 minutes of weightlifting and 5 minutes of strenuous exercise. Most of your muscles and body should be involved in a proper workout.

The third mistake in workouts is the fact that exercisers get dehydrated very quickly and they do not replenish the liquid that they have lost during the exercise. On the contrary, you should constantly replenish the liquids that you have lost through mineral drinks and water.

However, another important point is that you should not do rigorous exercises on an empty stomach. It is best to exercise at least 3 hours after a meal for its beneficial effects. Of course, some light morning exercise can be done before breakfast, but it should not be too strenuous and you should consume some liquids beforehand.


Exercise and Fitness - The Effectiveness of a Skipping Rope Workout

For many of us, the term skipping rope may induce memories of our days in our primary or elementary school school playgrounds, surrounded by giggly, pony-tailed girls desperate to impress and beat their friends with the amount of consecutive skips they were able to perform.

Don't let that put you off or fool you, however. They can provide adults with a fantastic and really effective workout opportunity. Using a skipping rope can tone your calves and thighs, and strengthen your chest, abdominal, shoulder and back muscles. It is also a great all-round cardiovascular workout.

Skipping ropes can be bought cheaply, and have the added benefit of being ultra-portable. Indeed, you can roll them up and carry them about with you wherever you go for an instant, on-the-spot fitness workout without the need for that much free space.

For those who may want to take their skipping workout a little more seriously, you will be pleased to know there are some higher-end skipping ropes with fitness and practicality - not just fun - being the main focal point of their design.

Many modern ropes are made from thin coated wire or heavy, high-tech polymers which make the rope more aerodynamically pleasing and allow them to turn faster and more consistently through the air when turned quickly. In addition to this, some have a kind of swivel action built between the handle and the rope, to ensure that tangling or twisting doesn't occur mid-workout.

Overall, a decent skipping rope (particularly one designed with adult fitness in mind) can prove to be a valuable addition to your fitness equipment inventory, and provide a great all-round body workout. Once you have tried it, you'll never think of skipping ropes in the same way again.


Best Exercises To Lose Weight - Fat Burn V Carbs

Ever wonder what the best exercises to lose weight was? Ever wonder if you could jump straight in and give it a go? This article aims to give those doubters a fighting chance at losing weight and getting that body they always dreamed of. By comparing both fat burning exercises and cardiovascular exercises the reader will get an understanding of both and what the best exercises to lose weight are and where they should start their quest to lose weight depending on their own fitness levels. Before starting any fitness regime, I suggest getting the all clear from your doctor first, especially diabetic and heart patients who may require some medical advice before starting. After all you want to lose weight the right way. Running to lose weight is one of the very best exercises to lose weight.

Ultimately step aerobics burns the most calories at a rate of 600 every 45 minutes, but really any exercise that involves you changing it up a bit like circuit training or interval training will work just as well. When choosing the best exercises to lose weight for yourself remember to pick something that you will enjoy day in and day out as there is nothing worse than dreading the task ahead. Keep it fresh so you don't get bored.

Fat Burning v Carbs

Fat burning exercises are to be done in a slow and steady, low intensity motion. This ensures that your heart rate stays in the correct fitness zone of 60-70% of its maximum heart rate; you should already know what your maximum heart rate is before you start. This type of program is designed to use fat and not carbohydrates as a source of energy for your work out, the work out is long in duration (usually about an hour), and they keep your joints from wearing and getting sore. What you eat greatly enhances the success of these types of programs, seek a good diet and keep to it.

Cardiovascular exercises that involve using carbohydrates as fuel also involve the heart rate being near its peak at 80-90% heart rate maximum. Aerobics is a form of performance training as it is high in intensity and is done in a short duration that lasts between 20-30 minutes. Circuit training also falls into this category as you usually do an exercise for 5 minutes at full intensity, take a 1 minute break, and then move on to another exercise at full intensity. These types of programs burn loads of calories and keep your metabolism up throughout the day. Keeping your workouts fresh by changing it up a bit, maybe do the circuits in a different order, or do a different aerobics class every month or so will help you greatly in losing weight and keeping fit.

The best exercises to lose weight or fat in this instance would be to do 20 easy minutes on the rowing machine, switch to the bike and do another 20 easy minutes, finally do 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill to finish off your workout. Remember to keep your maximum heart rate between 60-70% for best fat burning results. The best exercises to lose weight that can be substituted into your regime include; the cross trainer, exercise bikes, rowers, step machines, treadmills and body rider fan bikes.

Ultimately fast paced, high intensity performance training cardiovascular exercises like step aerobics which tops the polls of best exercises to lose weight at 600 calories every 45 minutes. Although step aerobics is the preferred exercise among women, it concentrates on your lower body only, unless you add weights into the mix and work your upper body as well. Maximum results can be made with these exercises because your heart rate should be between 80-90% heart rate maximum. For those who are really fit get your heart rate into the 90-100% heart rate maximum, the red line zone where your body is being used with maximum possible effort.

The methods mentioned above have their benefits; it's up to you to decide which program to use as the best exercises to lose weight. Pretty soon you will be able to choose the best exercises to lose weight the right way. Good luck and stay positive.


High Intensity Interval Training With Turbo Fire

Turbo Fire is the latest workout from Chalene Johnson, creator of Turbo Jam and ChaLEAN Extreme. Turbo Fire is due out in the spring of 2010. Turbo Fire is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) program that will ignite your metabolism. You will be asked to push harder, find it in yourself to give more, to not hold yourself back, and challenge yourself in a whole new way.

With HIIT you are asked to give your maximum effort in short bursts followed by a recovery period. It is intense and it is challenging. You will get such an intense workout in a short period of time that your body will burn more calories throughout the day trying to recover. Studies have show that the after burn effect can be as much as 9X high for burning calories and fat. HIIT demands that you push yourself out of your comfort zone.

There some major benefits of HIITin TurboFire. One is the shorter amount of time you need to train to see some great results. The second benefit is the amount of oxygen your body uses while training. This is especially great for athletes and cross training.

HIIT uses fast twitch muscles, which are used in sprinting, as opposed to slow twitch muscles which are used in steady state cardio such as running a marathon. A sprinter has more muscle mass as opposed to a marathon runner who often has no muscles definition.

With TurboFire you can "attend" a HIIT "class" everyday, with the best trainer, the best music, and have a place in the front row. All without ever having to leave the house to get the best workout ever and get the leanest most tone body.


Finally A Hardgainer Workout Routine That Works

Being a hardgainer is one of the most frustrating things in the world to be, especially if you are working out for a long time and not making gains. Its even more frustrating when you have tried dozens of different weight training routines you see in magazines.

If you are one of these people what you need is a hardgainer workout routine that fits your genetics. Most training routines can over-tax the nervous system of a hardgainer thus using all of its regenerative powers just to stay even.

We do not want to stay even, we want to grow muscle and add bulk just like the next guy. In order to do this sometimes we need to make unbelievable changes to our routines.

One thing that I have seen work most often is an shortened workout. It sounds like a strange idea but it almost always works for hardgainers. An abbreviated hardgainer workout routine is not only the answer but it takes up fewer hours in the gym and you finally start to add muscle.

Unfortunately, most hardgainers never hear about an shortened routine before they end up quitting. You can't blame them if they have weight trained for 2 or 3 years and made little or no gain, its like smashing your head against a wall.

Hardgainer's Motto - Never Say Die

If you know that you have tried everything and accomplished little so far than its time for a drastic change in your routines. There is always an answer it just takes us effort to find it in life.

Since you've most likely tried adding more weight or adding more reps lets go in the other direction. We will significantly scale down our workouts and watch and be surprised by your body's reaction.

When you begin doing the hardgainer workout routine you may think that you aren't doing enough. But you will find that your body is much happier and will finally have enough resources to help you grow muscle and gain size.

You are going to be scaling back the total volume of your routines and most likely the frequency, if you are an ultra-hardgainer. But you really need to give this a try, because it has worked for literally thousands of other hardgainers.

One technique that I have used is instead of focusing on individual muscles we work on complete muscle groups with one exercise. We will do the basic moves like presses, pulling, squatting and the deadlift.

But we are doing an small routine so we will want to do the least number of exercises but the most efficient exercise to hit more than one muscle. We are doing a whole body workout as quickly as possible.

The easiest example to give is the bench press. It works the pectorals, the deltoids and the triceps all at once. We will be doing exercises like this to get the most of our effort and minimize exercising specific muscles that haven't been building doing other workouts.

The reason for this is again that the hardgainer's ability to recover and grow is not as great as other body types. This isn't a bad thing in life, just in weight training. You are forunate in the fact that you can eat whatever you want and not get fat. Some people hate you for that, but I digress.

Here is an perfect example of a hardgainer workout routine very much like one shown in the book Beyond Brawn by Stuart McRobert (a book which I very highly recommend!).

Day 1
 * Squat 1 x 20
 * Bench press 2 x 6
 * Overhead Press 2 x 10

Day 2

 * Stiff-legged Deadlift 2 x 12
 * Chins 2 x 8 (with added weight)
 * Calf raises 3 x 15

These exercises must be done correctly, no swinging the weights or lunging or lifting your hips for help. Proper form is required as always to get the most out of this abbreviated routine.

And when you see the first exercise is 20 reps don't think that I want you to do a low intensity set. This is a maximum effort to be able to barely complete the 20 reps so that you are getting the most anabolic value out of the set.

In this hardgainer workout routine you will notice that the muscle groups do not overlap. Since we are not isolating a muscle we are actually working a single group at a time so you can recover faster and grow muscle.

You will notice that both workouts are less than 10 sets total and work half of your entire musculature. Don't think that you are going to be getting off easy here. If done correctly you will be seriously fatigued by this abbreviated workout.

This is one of the best workouts that I can think of if you have been working out for a while and haven't made any gains due to your genetics. It looks simple and it is short but it can be the answer you have been looking for.

The secret to this hardgainer workout routine is your major intensity that you put into each rep since the workout time will be short. Really give it 100% effort on each exercise and your body will explode.


Some Interesting Ways to Have A Butt Lift

Buttocks are really an important and one of the most appealing parts of female body. This makes them to look perfectly shaped and the prominent butt complete their ideal figure. Unfortunately few women fail to enjoy this pleasure because of their flatter butt. However if you are also having flat or loose buttocks then you do not have to feel deprived of due to your butt. With the latest technology and surgical advancements it became quite an easy task. In order to get fuller and muscular butt one can get various options such as specially designed buttock augmentation work outs, butt lift surgeries and liposculpture, etc. one can also try the Brazilian butt lift to attain the desired beauty results.

Generally the two common ways of buttock augmentation include butt lift wherein the lifting of the butt is performed. Another way of making it prominent is to go for the surgical enlargement. In the surgical enlargement process the moulded synthetic implant is inserted into a human body through an injection. For the implant purpose elastomer can also be used as a substance. With the growing attention towards feminine organs the ladies have started doing their best efforts to make them more appealing and complete. The liposculpture is one of such techniques upon which the modern women are relying. Using these techniques women can add on to their physical appearance and thus increase the charm of their body for longer period of time.

Apart from the liposculpture and routine butt lift and toning exercises the Brazilian butt lift is also very popular type of butt augmentation. By going for this lifting process you can have more youthful, perky and prominent buttocks which will consequently lead to sensual body shape. People from any age group can use these techniques to tone or increase their current size. In a few cases there are latest techniques used under which the expert surgeons first map the area of your body having maximum fat. They remove fat from these selected areas and then purify it. After fat purification it is again reinjected into human body to make your buttocks more beautiful.

These injections are inserted in the area where you want fullness and you have to complete a course of almost hundred injections. This process is known as liposculpture and through this the donor fat cells are used to fill up the upper quadrant so that your butt can appear lifted up and sensuous. Undoubtedly this butt lift is comparatively painful and a lot of money. However the people who do not have enough money and time can also make their butt look really impressive with the help of buttock pads. These are the ready to wear and cost effective pads which you can use whenever you feel like.


Bodyweight Training - Step Up the Working Mans Exercise

Make no mistake about it, step ups will creep up on you and kick your ass. Simple, yet highly effective. This is an exercise that seems to be forgotten when it comes to other bodyweight exercises.

It's simple, all you do is find a sturdy bench and start stepping then step down and do this for a few minutes. Here's the thing, because very few people use the stairs this will be brutally hard for most.

If you think this exercise is not worthy try a 10 minute workout and I'm not talking about the chick T.V. workout step classes. I'm talking finding a bench at least 12" high and going all out for 10 minutes.

Here's another thing, for all you prisoner workout junkies who get sucked in by marketing of prison workout books, this exercise is actually a prison exercise but only a real prisoner who writes a book will add it in there, not the marketing genius. Why? Because it's a boring looking exercise and hard to sell.

We do this everyday every day and don't even realize it, and if you are one of those people that can't walk steps without a rail or need to put your hand on your knee to push off, you need to stop reading this and start reading somebody Else's site.

You can use stepping as part of an workout program that will build strength, quickness, balance, stamina and all you need is some stairs or a sturdy bench.

Simple work that you can try:

Do step ups 20 each leg as quick as you can, turn around throw your feet on the bench or stairs your using and do 20 pushups - Repeat this for 10 minutes non stop if you can. Really try it and tell me how easy it is.

To push a little harder use weighted back packs or a sand bag on your shoulder and see how it is for the working man that is a laborer, tougher yet.

Check these world records out for weighted step ups I did 158 wearing a 50lb back pack in 5 minutes on 15" bench. Paddy Doyle came back and beat it doing 164. Step ups on a 15" bench wearing 100 lb back pack 105 in 5 minutes is a feat.

I have done 7 sets on a 17" bench in 10:00 minutes 40 step ups each set and 20 pushups legs on bench for a total of 280 step ups and 140 elevated pushups.


Nicole Rash is Ms. America 2012

A former first runner-up for Miss America was crowned Ms. America 2012 on Sunday, the pageant's website announced.

Nicole Rash was Miss Indiana when she was named first runner-up at the Miss America 2008 pageant.

She moved to Missouri and is completing her degree online.

"She has been featured in several commercials, advertisements, events, and was even in the 2011 Academy Award-nominated film 'Warrior' that came out in theaters on Sept. 9, 2011 and is on DVD now," according to her Facebook profile.

"She was also featured in the September issue of 'The Knot' magazine modeling for Maggie Sottero Bridal and is on Gold's Gym workout equipment boxes in Walmart Stores."

Rash, 27, was crowned in ceremonies at the Doubletree Suites by Hilton Anaheim Resort in Anaheim, CA.