
Exercise and cold weather: Tips to stay safe outdoors

So you don't like grinding out miles on the treadmill or power walking the malls, but you dread exercising during cold weather. Unfortunately, cold weather can discourage even the most motivated exercisers. And if you're not so motivated, it's all too easy to pack away your workout gear along with your warm-weather clothing.

You don't have to let cold weather spell the end of your exercise. With these tips for exercising during cold weather, you can stay fit, motivated and warm when the weather turns chilly.
Stay safe during cold-weather exercise

Almost everyone can exercise safely during cold weather. But if you have certain conditions, such as asthma, heart problems or Raynaud's disease, check with your doctor before you work out in cold weather. Your doctor can review any special precautions you need based on your condition or medications you might take. The following tips can also help you stay safe — and warm — while working out in the cold.
Dress in layers

One of the biggest mistakes you can make while exercising in cold weather is to dress too warmly. Exercise generates a considerable amount of heat — enough to make you feel like it's much warmer than it really is. Yet, once your sweat starts to dry, you can get chilled. The solution?

Dress in layers that you can remove as soon as you start to sweat and then put back on as needed. First, put on a thin layer of synthetic material, such as polypropylene, which draws sweat away from your body. Avoid cotton, which stays wet next to your skin. Next, add a layer of fleece or wool for insulation. Top this with a waterproof, breathable outer layer. A heavy down jacket or vest may cause you to overheat if you're exercising hard. If you're lean, you may need more insulation than someone who is heavier. If it's very cold, consider wearing a face mask or scarf to warm the air before it enters your lungs.

You may need to experiment before you find a combination of clothing that works well for you based on your exercise intensity. Keep in mind, too, that stop-and-go activities, such as mixing walking with running, can make you more vulnerable to the cold if you repeatedly work up a sweat and then get chilly.
Protect your hands, feet and ears

When it's cold, blood flow is concentrated on your body's core, leaving your hands and feet vulnerable to frostbite. Try wearing a thin pair of gloves under a pair of heavier gloves or mittens lined with wool or fleece. Don the mittens or gloves before your hands become cold and then remove them if your hands begin to sweat.

Considering buying exercise shoes a half-size or one size larger than usual to allow for thick thermal socks or an extra pair of regular socks. And don't forget a hat or headband to protect your ears, which also are vulnerable to frostbite.
Pay attention to weather conditions and wind chill

Exercising when it's cold and raining can make you more vulnerable to the cold. If you get soaked, you may not be able to keep your core body temperature high enough, and layering won't help if your clothes are wet. If it's extremely cold, you may need to take your exercise indoors or skip it for a day or two.

Wind chill extremes can make exercising outdoors unsafe even if you dress warmly. The wind can penetrate your clothes and remove the insulating layer of warm air that surrounds your body, and any exposed skin is vulnerable to frostbite.

If the temperature dips well below 0 F (-17.8 C) or the wind chill is extreme, consider taking a break or choosing an indoor activity instead, or take extra precautions if you choose to exercise outdoors anyway.
Choose appropriate gear

If it's dark when you exercise outside, wear reflective clothing. To stay steady on your feet, choose footwear with enough traction to prevent falls, especially if it's icy or snowy. Wear a helmet while skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling. Consider using chemical heat packs to warm up your hands or feet.


Shoulder Dumbbell Exercises

No physique is complete without having a set of wide shoulders. Shoulder dumbbell exercises are a good way to make sure you can obtain your very own set of solid deltoids. Without strong shoulders, you may not be able to maximize your strength with other muscle groups. It may also lead to unnecessary stress to other muscle groups which could even lead to injury in some cases. Shoulder dumbbell exercises are a very effective way to ensure that this doesn’t happen. Here are several shoulder dumbbell exercises you could use to build strength in your shoulders:
Arnold Press- While seated straight up on an upright bench or chair, hold a dumbbell in each hand about chest level with your palms facing inward, towards your body. From there, raise the weights above your head while rotating your hands so that they are facing the opposite direction. Pause momentarily at the top and come back to the starting position slowly.
Upright Rows- From a standing position, grab a dumbbell in each hand and hold them with your arm straight down. From there, pull the weights straight upward along your body until they nearly reach your chin. Attempt to keep your elbows above your hands and try not to move the weights too far away from your body. Pause at the top, and then slowly return back to the starting position.
Bent Over Reverse Flys- With a dumbbell in each hand, bend over at the waist while keeping a big chest. From there, raise the weights to the side, trying to get the weights at least level with your back. Attempt to pause at the top of the rep, while trying to squeeze your back muscles together. Return to the starting position slowly. This will build your rear shoulder.
If you use these exercises, you should be able to see improvements in shoulder strength and size. If you are a beginner when it comes to weight lifting, start out with lower weights. If you are an experienced lifter, feel free to use some higher weights. I would personally recommend at 3-4 sets of each with at least 6-8 reps in each set. You can adjust these numbers as you see fit in your workouts.


Workout and Feel Better

There's no denying that after a few stretches, pushups, walks, and lifting, you find yourself feeling a whole lot better. It's as if working out has the power to shoo away all the bad vibes in your system. Well, that's how it usually is. Maybe you can't make sense how it does the job but try not to let it matter. What's important is that it has its advantages to the mind.

The reason why so many people make exercise a part of their everyday routine is that it guarantees them a good feeling. They seem to be more at peace with them right after using up so much energy. Taking care of the excess aggression the body has stored can do wonders for the well-being.

Perhaps, it's all in the head. Maybe workouts make you feel improved because the have been declared over many forms of media that they have caused numerous famed figures to be that way. There's always the notion that you're wired to think that way. You may never understand what exactly is in it that makes you relieved.

However, that's not supposed to be an issue. As long as you feel better, why search for answers? It may all in the mind but there's no reason to not welcome the idea. Exercise conditions your insides and it has been a recommended act toward physical wellness. According to health experts, it's all good. It doesn't come with harm so it's only right for you to consider making it a part of your habit.

You get to look better, too. Both men and women are subject to earn appealing physiques if they make it a point to show up at the gym for some exercise workouts regularly. Because their systems are tamed to function better, the effect of exercise makes itself apparent in physical aspects. Muscles are making a way out and the body is in shape.

Others use it as a means to lose weight. Since they have extra pounds in their body, an effective way and one with no risks posed is to loosen up and workout. There's no excuse to resort to instant means that could only mean you sabotaging your health when there is an option for you to just workout.

By incorporating exercise routines or attending a fit camp, you give yourself some sort of assurance to feel better. When you decide to shove other activities aside in favor of some physical time to sweat and burn the unnecessary contents in the body, you are promising yourself a therapeutic life ahead. Just do simple exercises, depending on how you prefer things to be and you're guaranteed to feel good afterwards.

That's all you have to do. It won't require much out of your day to day existence and even if it does, you have every reason to let it since it's primarily for your health. When you allot some time at the gym for some exercise workouts, you are treating yourself to a feeling of ease that's going to be with you for a while.


Newser competition gets contestant into right workout routine

Well, this is our last week for the challenge.

I did the best I could, I weighed myself a few times in the past 3 months, though the scale for me is misleading, because if a person lifts weights mainly, you could be gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat.

I do feel great, I know I haven’t lost any weight, but the challenge taught me to just keep going and never give up. Others have said they noticed a difference on me, my arms definitely look more toned and muscular. I was aiming more for the weight lifting, than cardio.

In the first 2 months I worked out to 2 different Jillian Michael’s DVD’s which I downloaded onto my iPod so I was able to take it with me to the gym and do my 30 minutes of workout there.

The final month, I started a DVD called Supreme 90 Day. It’s a similar DVD like P90X, except it’s 30 minutes long each day vs. 1 hour and 15 minutes on the P90X.

I am enjoying this DVD, although it's a little fast-paced, but that’s why there is a pause button on the DVD player.

I actually don’t mind at all if I didn’t win this challenge. It gave me the opportunity to participate in it and to get into a daily routine I can keep up now.


Shirtless Schock used campaign funds for exercise DVDs, five-star hotel

Illinois Republican Rep. Aaron Schock, known for his relative youth and habit of posing shirtless, used campaign funds to buy exercise DVDs, finance fancy trips and reimburse his mother, according to a report from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

Schock, first elected to Congress in 2008 at age 27, charged $319 in payments to exercise DVD maker P90X to his campaign, listing the expense as “health care.” His office told Fox Chicago that this was an error and that Schock has since repaid the money.

“At some point, he realized the fitness tape was a problem and he amended the reports to take them out,” said CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan. “There is no way you can be allowed to spend that (campaign) money on the fitness tapes.”

In addition to the comical DVD charge, Schock reimbursed his mother, Janice Knapp, for approximately $24,000 in campaign-related expenses, according to the report. His spokesman explained that during her son’s 2008 and 2010 campaigns, Knapp would purchase “whatever the campaign needed” on her own, and then be reimbursed.

Schock reimbursed himself $150,000 over the past two election cycles, including for a stay at the five-star Grande Bretagne Hotel in Athens, Greece. The congressman’s chief of staff, Steve Shearer, told the Peoria Journal-Star that this reimbursement was also an accident that has since been corrected, saying that it “was a credit card receipt that was included with a stack of other legitimate campaign expenses.”

“It’s hard to fathom how a hotel stay in Greece could be a legitimate campaign expense, but that accounts for only a small portion of the money Rep. Schock pocketed from his campaign,” said Sloan in a statement accompanying the report.

In 2011 Schock posed for the June cover of Men’s Health magazine, producing well-circulated photos of the congressman’s six-pack. Within Congress, he has advocated against what he considers wasteful spending, notably including the expense of signage identifying construction projects funded by the 2009 stimulus bill.


How to Grow Your Boot Camp

Originally, a Boot Camp was a training camp for military recruits. It was created to establish discipline, military exercises and rigorous physical training. So the expression suggests something hard and intense. Nowadays, the expression has been kept but the reasons to go there are not the same. Indeed, if you go to a Boot Camp, its because you wanted to go! Here we are speaking about Fitness Boot Camps, physical exercises to lose weight and good nutrition. The aim of a Boot Camp is to push a group of people harder than they would push themselves.
This article is for Personal Trainers who would like to attract more customers to participate to in their Fitness Boot Camp.
Firstly advertising is essential in Marketing your Boot Camp. Indeed, through advertising you increase your chances of developing your network of potential customers. Advertising encompasses a lot of ways of communication: Internet, Social Media, Radio, TV, Press Nowadays Internet and the likes of Facebook, Linked In, Twitter and YouTube are vital to grow a business.
Your website has to be very attractive and original. Many factors are essential on your website to create user engagement like funny videos of different exercises, Testimonials and customer interviews (who lost weight thanks to the program), a personal page about yours skills and experiences. Moreover, events are very important, so, you could create events to attract potential customers. So, on another page, you need to inform people about the future dates of your next Boot Camp, perhaps in calendar form and why not, organize special days to discover your activities and yourself.
Motivate people
With your website, you can inform and motivate people of news and events you organize. In doing so, they could be made aware of activities and how join in a Boot Camp. Moreover you can propose season tickets and reductions (Advantages according peak or off peak times and holidays, and advertise to companies and local councils...). The price is a very important point in peoples choice of Bootcamp.
Generally when you have a goal, you are more motivated, that is why you can offer gifts when some goals are reached. Indeed, cinema tickets, vouchers for a Sport store, massages to reward yours efforts can be offered to the Boot Camp's top performer. All great for motivation.
To conclude, advertising and motivating people are leading ways to increase your customer numbers. So let's go trying these marketing strategies which could really boost your business.
Nowadays, you have to your disposition a lot of ways to communicate and optimize the success of your Bootcamp. So give yourself the best chance of success. Don't forget that the main asset of a Personal Trainer is the motivation and the leading of a team!


What You Must Do To Achieve Satisfactory Results With the 10 Minute Tony Horton Workout

Embarking on a series where I wanted to review and share some of the more popular Beachbody.com workouts, seemed like it would be both fun and easy. These workouts have this way of making you so confident in the power each workout has to bring change.
My immediate thinking as a graduate of P90X is that there would be some sort of special ingredient that somehow transcends the basics of what you must do to achieve great results with any workout program. In other words, I thought I'd find a common thread that amounted to a magic bullet.
With Regard to the 10 minute Tony Horton workout "10 Minute Trainer", I was pre-calibrated to believe it was a miniature version of P90X, and that just following along would be a sure path to great results.
The reality was much different, and this came to be apparent as I focused on the user reviews of the product. Basically there was a line of demarcation between who had good things to say about 10 Minute Trainer and who had negative things to say about it.
The line was written on either side of having the proper approach and expectations. I would actually say that with the 10 Minute Tony Horton workout, far more than with P90X, you have to have a very rigid mental outlook on one key area, but than a more open attitude in one other key area.
The first area deals with proper nutrition and diet. One user described it as "controlling the gate". To see results that you want to see (or you will likely quit) means eating right. This more than anything means less intake of foods that are full of processed sugars and preservatives. As seen in the recent "60 Minutes" piece on the negative effects of too much sugar, you have to know that it causes obesity.
So bottom line, eat pure and clean. Focus on things out of the ground or animals that eat things out of the ground. Get your carbs from fruits and vegetables.
The area where you need to have an open attitude is in your desire to limit your workout to only the one workout of 10 minutes each day. You can achieve results on 10 minutes a day, but to really see the faster results and the gains physically, you will likely have to do more than 1 workout each day. Unfortunately, this is not strongly laid out in the marketing materials for the product.
Managing expectations and approach is your job and will make the difference between "10 Minute Trainer" being positive for your fitness goals or another shelf dust collector.


Looking For a Fitness Trainer?

Hiring an expert fitness trainer used to be reserved only for the elite, rich and celebrities, however now, even common Joe and plain Jane can rent one. These days, having a health trainer will be as peculiar as carrying gymnasium luggage and having a superb pair of rubber shoes. Nowadays, even people with a toned physique can already call themselves knowledgeable fitness coach by printing calling playing cards and then allow you to hire their services. That can assist you in your quest in your own health trainer, listed below are inquiries to ask them before hiring them.

Motivation Having been a trainer for a few years, some of the widespread issues a shopper would say is “I would not be doing this if you weren’t here!” Imagine waking up a 6am to do a coaching session and also you look out the window and it is raining and windy. The chances of you doing a exercise are very slim. Now think about at the level you’re occupied with rolling over for some more sleep and there’s a knock on the door. Its your coach and they’re energetic and raring to go. You’ll train! They will also make sure you are feeling motivated yourself with enjoyable sessions and attaining milestones. mike truth about abs.

The coach, of course, has specialization in fitness whose program will incorporate the adjustments in unhealthy way of life, weight management and enhancing your bodily fitness. This particular person has the tendency to work with you and together with her or him, you’ll devise strategies to realize no matter set of objectives you may have set. This man additionally teaches the technical facet of the training – most likely how to do your weight coaching to achieve optimum weight loss and weight management after achieving the best weight.

In distinction, the fitness trainer equips you with the necessary paraphernalia of doing a piece-out. You’re employed-out with him or her. You have tendency to devise your plans and diet. But with a employed coach, the obligation is upon her or his shoulder. This guy will deal with your eating regimen, you will discard your constant experiments on the appropriate diet. This fitness knowledgeable will make a custom made schedule and work-out actions for you, relying in your needs and capability. Adjustments in the plans can ensue on the basis of your ability.

Other Causes to Select this Route When you may have a coach of your individual, you should not have to go to the gym, he or she will carry the best fitness coaching session on to you. She or he ought to have the tools you have to and can carry it to your house or your office so you can get your train in probably the most convenient means possible.

The unique providing that you simply get is the opportunity to acquire completely customized resolution to satisfy your unique needs. Simply mention all the details about yourself to the professionals to configure an distinctive fat loss coaching program, significantly which exercises you do, in what sequence and at what intensity.

Video and simulation instruments open the door to extremely visible instructive parts in the course, which must be complemented by quizzes and assessments to test for understanding. Utilizing an LMS, health coaching courses may be as dynamic and interactive as the course creator desires.

10 Minute Trainer Review Vs The P90X Workout System-10 Minute Trainer

Let's face it - Some of us just don't have a ton of time to work out.
For those that follow Tony Horton you may be left wondering the following: 10 Minute Trainer or the P90X Workout System?
I am going to be straight forward and honest - P90X has changed the lives of countless individuals who have stuck with it religiously and competed nearly every workout. While this seems to be the way to go I also understand that many others are overly intimidated by P90X and either never try it or fail because they can't stay accountable.
This is where 10 Minute Trainer steps in and Tony Horton blows away every excuse you had about avoiding the P90X workout system and gives you every reason to become fit.
While P90X requires an absolute minimum of 45 minutes and upwards to 1 hour and 30 minutes a day to complete, 10 min trainer will only require 10 minutes of your time while still giving a fully effective "super-stacked" workout.10 Minute Trainer
While you won't get the same explosive results with as you would by following P90X you will still get amazing results compared to doing nothing at all! It is in my opinion that every single being has at least 10 minutes to train. With that said the reason why 10 minute trainer is effective is for one simple reason and that is "Super-Stacking".
Unlike P90X where you focus on a particular workout like resistance OR cardio OR stretch - with 10 min trainer you combine all things together within a 10 minute period for a super-synergistic style approach. 10 Minute Trainer
If you have the time and you feel ready to invest 90 days approx 1 hour at a time I would say P90X wins the battle
If you struggle to find a free hour or your just so busy throughout the day that the last thing you want is to exercise - 10 minute trainer is your solution.10 Minute Trainer
So even for those that feel over challenged or intimidated by P90X still have options for better health and fitness. 10 min trainer was developed for those needing a time sensitive option but something that still allows for extreme physical conditioning and weight loss.


How to Lose Belly Fat with Special 10 Minute Trainer

Yes, you read it right. You can manage to lose belly fat with 10 Minute Trainer at home without spend your hard earn money to join a high priced gym. In this article, we are going to share with you the high energized cardiovascular fitness routine that was developed by a former trainer.

Lose Belly FatYou may in doubt of what is so great about this fitness routine. Well, it is proven to help people lose belly fat and if you keep the 10 minute exercise routine as mentioned here, then you are possible to burn up to 150 calories every day.

This workout program starts with jump rope and keeps doing it for the first two minutes. To be exact, two jumps for each turn of the rope.10 Minute Trainer Ensure you choose and use the right size jump role for safety purpose.

Next, squat thrust into a push up for about 1 minute. To do this, you have to utilize some proper techniques. You should begin by stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms strait down next to your sides. The following step is slowly squat down with your head forward and brings your hands to the floor just outside of your feet. Furthermore, your hands have to point forward. Push your legs back and out behind in one movement. Consequently do one strict pushup and then jump back into your squat position before you stand back up.

Now, back to simply exercise which is jump rope with only one jump per turn. You have to continue this exercise for about 1 minute after that perform Squat Thrust and Push Up again for another 1 minute. This time you are going to add the Side Plank which means lift and rotate your left arm off of the ground and over your head. And your left foot will rotate and rest on top of you right foot. In addition, rotate your neck so you are looking up at your ceiling and rotate back to the center.10 Minute Trainer Remember to repeat on the other side. Hop back into your squat position, stand up and start again when complete a cycle.

When you finish this action, it means that you already complete about half process of the whole workout routine. From the 5th minute onward, perform jump rope with one jump per turn again until reach 6th minute.

If you keep reading this article until here, you probably know the next step after jump role is Squat Thrust and Push Up. Yes, you are right. The different is that you have to add the leg lift at this time. You need to lift the toes of one foot about twelve inches off of the ground only after you have performed your push up. Beside that, you have to lower your foot and repeat on the other side.10 Minute Trainer Finally, hop back up to your squat position, stand up, and start again.

For the next 1 minute, jump role with 1 jump per turn then follow by Squat Thrust and Push Up with adding Mountain Climbers at 8th minute. What it means is that after your push up, you have to jog quickly in place from your push up position. During this one minute, you have to perform 5 jogs and repeat this entire process. For safety purpose, ensure you bring your knees up to your chest on each rotation.

Lastly, jump rope as what you done at 8th minute. For better result, keep on thinking of lose belly fat during this exercise routine. It is highly recommend using a soft padding such as a yoga mat when performing this 10 Minute Trainer.


What Is a Zumba Fitness Workout?

What is Zumba Fitness is a question that many are asking; this is a way to burn unwanted pounds by using a fat burning revolutionary dance themed workout. The results are exceptional for those who actively participate in the program using all the tools.
This Latin dance themed program has a unique mix of music and fun steps to keep the interest of the customer. There are over 90,000 locations that have classes in numerous countries showing people of all ages, shapes and sizes how to have a challenging but still fun fitness-themed party. The objective is to have fun while losing weight and getting stronger.
You don't have to sign up for a class to learn how to "Zumba". There are books and DVDs that teach you how to do it from the comfort of your own home. Books alone will not do, as the routine requires visual learning. With DVD lessons you will be able to follow along and therefore get a better grasp of the movements.
Along with the DVDs, the buyer receives a basic workout, 20 minute express, sculpt and tone, cardio party and body transformation handbook. The system claims to help lose a pant or dress size within the matter of just 10 days. However, it is advised that you do it at your own pace. The good thing is that the Zumba fitness program makes what would otherwise be a difficult workout into a fun and inspiring fitness session.
In many cases, upon ordering the package a flat abs, toning sticks and a fitness live workout may be added to the order. This is offered in addition to the other DVDs as a complimentary bonus. There is a 30 days money back guarantee.
There are classes that can be attended in conjunction to work outs at home. For those who have the time and can afford it this is highly recommended, as working in groups can be motivating and rewarding. Searching by location may be the easiest way to find out what is in the area. The instructor training has an academy that can be attended for those who are interested in teaching classes at a facility.
As for customer support, there are available representatives from to answer your questions. There is a frequently asked section to address any concerns and common concerns. There is also a contact page to get further information for any other issues that couldn't be answered in the other search areas.
For anyone who wishes to seek a fun and thrilling way to get fit, what is Zumba Fitness is something worth trying. The worldwide renowned program can be used by all kinds of people of all levels of fitness. The DVDs can be ordered and the program done in the privacy of one's own home.


Physical Fitness - Vital To Weight Loss

Physical Fitness Is Important
There are many ways to bring down your blood glucose levels, but the easiest and most effective way to do this is to improve your health through exercise and fitness. There was a time when individuals use to look forward to working out, but as we move further away from physical lifestyles it is becoming more evident day by day that this is not the case.
Leading an inactive lifestyle can lead to many physical ailments. It is even thought that it is a key reason for the surge of type 2 diabetes in the US (obesity promotes insulin resistance along with other issues).
Exercise should be a common practice. In the United States of America research has shown that only thirty percent of the adult population gets 30 minutes (this is recommended) of physical activity daily!
Remember, your physical destiny is in your hands. It is never too late to change. Exercise is a tried and true method that can help you not only improve your overall fitness, but lower your risk for heart disease and contribute (along with a proper diet) to weight loss.
According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2003), a lack of exercise and fitness were found to be major factors behind diabetes and obesity (conclusion found through an extensive study).
This is more than enough reason for a person to consider a fitness routine or exercise schedule. Not only could it improve your overall lifestyle, but can contribute to your general health and physical appearance.
The first step to change is sometimes the hardest. I always recommend beginning with your doctor or health care provider. There are many factors to consider when coming up with a proper plan of action (especially if you suffer from a heart condition), and your primary care physician will know your situation best.
Certain exercises could be damaging to you, and depending upon your situation could actually do more harm than good. Also, certain diseases will also play a key factor into the types of exercises you can place within your program. This is why your health care provider is an excellent resource and starting point.
Depending upon your conditions, your doctor could make a referral to a specialist (ex. physiologist). The specialist could than tailor a program that will help you maximize your efforts (even with a condition or disease).
In conclusion, physical fitness can enrich your life providing you with good health and peace of mind. You will have peace in knowing you are doing everything within your power to take control of your destiny, and take care of your body. You only have one life to live, make the most of it. For further information, I would recommend researching the topic at your local library or on-line. Also, your physician (or specialist) can recommend further reading material that can help you to tailor a program to your personal needs. And, you can always check in at your local gym and speak with a trainer. Information is power, and the more you have the better equipped you will be to maximize your time and effort.


Weight Training In Body Building What Are The Best Exercise Workouts?

Weight training is important to every lifestyle. There are so many benefits to anyone at any age that it should not be ignored as part of health. Even people in their 70s can build muscle mass that will help them lead healthier lives. Finding the best exercise workouts for your goals is important.

In the case of body building, weight training is a huge part of getting the look you are interested in. A strong weight training plan is vital.

Safety First In Creating Your Workouts

To build up particular muscle groups you need to lift weights that concentrates on those areas. Remember that development is a progressive process. Start with a smaller weight that is heavy enough to work the muscles, one that you are able to lift with some effort and as it gets easier add more weight. It should provide resistance without undue strain to avoid injury.

Be sure that you do the exercises correctly. In most cases this is clearly described in the literature and you should follow that form to provide the maximum work out and avoiding injury. Your form is important and you should pay attention and feel the muscles as you work them while lifting the weights. Always be safe.

Some of the exercises involve heavy lifting so safety is important. Squats and dead lifts put strain on your lower back and it is important to wear a weight belt as you do these kinds of exercises. You don't want to injure yourself and spend your time at the chiropractor instead. Weight belts give your lower back support while keeping your spine straight and help you do the exercise properly.

The Best Exercise Workouts

A benefit of weight training is increased physical performance. Muscles use energy even when at rest so building up those muscles will increase your metabolic rate. Muscles are the powerhouse of your body using the energy you take in to produce movement. When you do this type of training you increase your muscle size, strength and endurance which will increase your overall energy and feelings of well-being. You will both look and feel better no matter what age you are when you start the program. Weight training prevents muscle loss that happens with age and this will help you avoid a flabby body.

Weight training is an important part of any fitness program. In return you will have a healthier and better looking body. Muscle training provides huge returns for a relatively small effort. Weight training with the best exercise workouts is well worth your time no matter what your age.


Plus Size Tops: A Simple Way To Expand Your Wardrobe

Plus size tops opens the doors for big and beautiful women to create their own unique look. For full figured women, finding plus size clothes can be a difficult task. Not only are the choices limited but the available clothes are also very dull and out-of-date. That is until now.

Before people considered making plus size tops for full figured women, it was extremely hard for big and beautiful women to look for tops that can provide enough coverage for their larger frame since smaller framed women did not require clothes that need to accommodate a bigger sized chest.

Plus Size Tops Should Not Be Found In Your Man's Closet

Without plus size tops these full figured women had to make do with what they can come up with, and that's big oversized men's t-shirts or squeezing into a smaller sized shirt. And believe me; men's shirts should only stay in men's closets. Before plus size tops, there was just no way for full figured women to be stylish or trendy.

The good news is that things have change. Many companies are catering to the needs of plus size women. Many online stores offer virtual racks and racks of stylish plus size clothes like tops, party dresses and even plus size bathing suits for full figured women of all ages. This benefits a lot of full figured women because weight doesn't just come with age, they come in any age.

Plus Size Tops Offer Freedom To Mix And Match

The designs for plus size tops considered big and beautiful women of different generations, thus creating trendy and colorful tops for the younger generation while providing clean cut and tailored tops for the older generation.

These plus size tops also come in a wide variety of styles, giving full figured women the option to choose which top they feel like wearing with their favorite pair of jeans. With cute and trendy tops made for curvier women, it gives them the freedom to choose which top to best compliment the whole outfit or look.

Another advantage that comes with stylish plus size tops is that it gives the curvier woman more outfit options and more looks to pair their bottoms in. A cute stylish pink top when paired with washed jeans can be a great look to wear on a trip to the mall while the same top matched with a cute tailored skirt can work well as an outfit for work.

What's great about these plus size tops is their ability to mix and match well with several different bottoms you prefer. Matched with the right accessories, big and beautiful women can look extra fabulous wearing plus size tops to a dinner date without looking like they tried too hard.

Plus Size Tops Allow Women To Look Their Best No Matter The Occasion

The freedom that plus size clothing offers to full figured women are endless when it comes to expressing their sense of style. Now, big and beautiful women don't have to pretend that they don't care about how they look. They can enjoy dressing up and looking good no matter what occasion there is.

Whether it be plus size formal dresses or any other stylish plus size clothes, the selections to choose from online are now plentiful and readily available, and pushes the wonderfully curvy woman to explore other different looks, and it is because of all these beautiful and fashionable Plus Size tops that big and curvy women are no longer afraid to be stylish and trendy.

So again...when your best assets are your curves, there's no reason to hide them under some bulky, unflattering plus size tops, instead next time you're getting ready for that night out, opt to show off your voluptuous sexy curves by choosing Plus Size tops that's right for you.

All fabulously curvy women who love wearing the latest style of fashionable and trendy Plus Size clothes but are not lucky enough to have a plus size clothing boutique in their hometown can now safely and securely buy stylish Plus Size party dresses,tops and even plus size bathing suits on the Internet.


How To Buy A Gorgeous Engagement Ring Online

Getting engaged is perhaps one of the scariest moves a man (and yes a woman too) could ever make. So I have put together this engagement rings guide to help you find that special ring that your girl will love - while leaving you satisfied that you have not over-spent.

And even if your fiancee will be choosing her own ring, you'd want to tell her to read this information as well. But more than likely, you'd be buying your "special lady" a diamond engagement ring. Because:

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

Right. Diamonds are 99.95% pure crystallized carbon and is as old as dirt - between 1-3 billion years old. In fact, they are the hardest naturally occurring substance known and are formed in the earth's upper mantle under heat and pressure and carried to the earth's surface by deep volcanic eruptions.

They are later mined from layers of gravel found in just a few sites around the world. Then they are transported to the various cutting centers to be cut, polished and set as jewelry. Their brilliance, sparkle and toughness make them well sought after.

But they can be costly too. Various sources quote averages prices anywhere from $3500 - $5000. "Ouch" you say. Well, I can give you the name of:

The "Genius" That Started The Diamond Engagement Ring Idea

But he has long passed so you'll have to put your weapon back in your holster. The first well-documented case of giving an engagement diamond ring occurred in 1477.

This was when a lovestruck Austrian, Archduke Maximilian, put a diamond ring on the third finger of the left hand of Mary of Burgundy in his betrothal to her. That finger was believed by ancient Egyptians to have a vein that leads straight to a woman's heart.

In the United States, it was not until the 30′s that giving diamond rings for engagements became typical. Now about 80% of women engaged are offered diamond rings.

As this will be a most important purchase - symbolic of your love and the importance of your relationship, taking note of the following factors should put you in good stead.

The 5th C And Coming Up With A Budget

Any good engagement rings guide will mention the 4 C's as they are central to making a purchase for a diamond ring. The 4 C's are outlined in greater detail below but it is the "5th C" - cost, that arouses the greatest amount of curiosity and perhaps fear.

You may have heard the "conventional wisdom" that claims that you need to save at least three months salary to purchase a diamond ring. This "advice" may have come from the De Beers' publicity machine; Debeers being dominant force in every aspect of the diamond industry. So take this advice with a grain of salt.

A much better approach is to set your budget based on how much you can realistically afford. And you are likely the best person who can come up with that number.

Also your budget will need to take into consideration the qualities of the ring that are the most important to you. With the wide array of diamond rings available, you can spend less and still get a good ring or you can spend a lot more on size and quality.

There are some highly trusted places where you can buy engagement rings online whilst staying within your budget. These places offer a 100% money back guarantee should you not be satisfied with your budget.

A reputable online diamond retailer would also ensure that their diamonds don't originate from conflict countries nor other sources with links to criminal or terrorist activities.

Whichever source you buy from, resist the temptation to go over your budget especially if money is tight. A salesperson may encourage you to spend beyond your budget because diamonds possibly represent a sound investment.

But a retailer can significantly mark up the value of a diamond and shortly after you buy that ring, it could lose a lot of it value. And worse, it could take years for that value to return. So stay true to your budget as much as you can.