
How Exercise Can Help You Sleep Better

The amount of physical activity that you expend during the day is a key ingredient to helping you sleep restfully at night.

The more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are able to relax fully at night and fall asleep easily.

With regular exercise your sleep quality is improved and the transition between the cycles and phases of sleep becomes smoother and more regular.

Keeping up your physical activity during the day may also help you deal with the stress and worry in your life.

Studies indicate that there is a direct correlation between how much we exercise and how we feel both emotionally and physically by changes in our brain chemistry that occur from regular exercise.

Try to increase your physical daily activity during the day. The goal here is to give your body enough stimulation during the day so that you are not restless at night.

Our bodies require a certain amount of physical activity in order to function in a healthy manner.

It is important to note that you should not be exercising three to four hours before bed.

The ideal time for you to exercise is in the late afternoon or early evening. You want to expend your physical energy long before it is time for your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.

Attempt to exercise at least three to four times a week for a continuous period of 20 to 30 minutes. This can include something as simple as walking or something as strenuous as running.

The goal is to increase your heart rate and strengthen your lung capacity. Adding a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule will improve your overall health and benefit you emotionally. This can help promote a natural remedy for your sleeplessness.

Besides walking and running there are many physical activities that you can add to your life to increase your activity level. Aerobic exercises seem to work best to battle sleeplessness.

Your goal is to increase the amount of oxygen that reaches your blood. There are many types of aerobic activities to choose from. These include running, biking, using a treadmill, jumping rope, and dancing.

Some non-aerobic activities may be beneficial to you as you attempt to solve your insomnia problem. The following activities are relaxing and have other healing properties:

- Yoga has a stimulatory effect on your nervous system, particularly the brain. Yoga uses breathing techniques and yoga postures to increase blood circulation to the brain centre, promoting regular and restful sleeping patterns. Regular practice of yoga will relax you as well as relieve stress and tension.

- Tai Chi is a form of breathing and movement that was developed by ancient Chinese monks. The movements involved in Tai Chi are precise and slow, which is ideal if you have joint pain or are unable to participate in high impact aerobic exercises. Studies have shown that Tai Chi may help people with insomnia by promoting relaxation.

If you find that you have no time to exercise on a regular basis try sneaking extra moments of activity into your daily schedule. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.

Try parking your car around the corner and walking that extra block to your appointment. There are many small ways that you can incorporate some added activity into your life. Your goal is to have a healthy, well balanced life...


Instant Strength Training Strategies That Anyone Can Use

Ever wondered how over the years there has been a surge of different strength training techniques that have come onto the market and then just faded away? Are you sick and tired of getting nowhere in the gym?

Well here we discuss the strength training strategies that will gain the maximum amount of muscle in the shortest time possible and have stood up to the test of time.

1. Training Frequency

The two main components of strength training are the intensity of the exercise and the recovery period after the exercise. Infrequent, short, high intensity weight training sessions, followed by the required amount of time to recover and become stronger is what is needed to increase functional muscle size in the shortest period of time.

The latest research has repeatedly shown that muscles over-compensate (become stronger) up to a week after the previous workout, provided that the muscles are trained to failure.

Remember it's not the training volume but the intensity and recuperation that are important when it comes to gains in strength and muscle.

2. Exercises Per Session

Tests under strict gym conditions have revealed that you've only got a limited amount of (readily available) energy to use for a weight training session. Blood tests on individuals have also revealed that blood sugar levels (available energy) drop dramatically after 20 to 30 minutes of high intensity training.

As you only have a short period of time to train before your blood sugar level drops, exercise selection is crucial. You have to use multi-joint or compound movements, as these offer the most training stimulus for the available amount of time.
In other words, we can train many muscles simultaneously and thus use our energy more efficiently.

Performing three to four exercises with high intensity during a session are what most people are capable of. All the main structures of the body are worked hard during this time. Working on these big compound movements has a knock-on effect throughout the whole body; there is no need for specialization techniques or isolation movements.

The fact is, the whole body is worked hard, rest and recuperation is allowed to take place and at the next exercise session we push out a few more reps than before with the same weight, and we have gotten stronger.

3. Number of Sets per Exercise

After performing one complete set to total failure, it should be just about impossible to generate the same force and intensity for another complete set of the same exercise.

If you're able to generate the same force and intensity for this second set then it'll be pretty obvious that not enough effort has been put into the first set. Thus you'll have to raise the intensity level you put out for the first set.

If you give the first set 100% effort and work the exercise hard to total failure (eg. you cannot move the bar after the last rep) then there will be no more requirement for further muscle stimulation on that specific exercise.

If you think that volume training (multiple sets) is more effective then you're wrong! The latest research shows that single set training is as beneficial as multiple set training. Training one set will decrease the chances of over-training. It will also allow you to save more energy for other exercises required during the workout.

4. Number of Repetitions per Set

The development of muscle and strength is interrelated, as it always has been. Strength training sessions produce increases in strength that are equal to increases in functional muscle.

Cycling intensity through changes in repetitions and weight throughout a ten-week program is an effective way to maintain progression and avoid training plateaus (slumps in strength).

Repetitions can be cycled, the higher repetition range will stimulate the slow twitch muscle fibres and promote endurance. Moving further down the scale, the lower repetition range will activate the fast twitch muscle fibres and increase strength and muscle size.

Now it's time to start putting these principles to work. Believe me once you start to apply these to your strength training workouts you will start to catapult your muscle gains like never before.


Commitment to a Successful Fitness Training Program

The undertaking of any fitness training program requires that individuals not only have a realistic view of their own personal fitness goals, but that they also consider the variables they may be faced with in accomplishing their objective for better health and wellness.

Choosing the right fitness training program is not the only important step of getting in shape - you must also construct your plan realistically so that you can stay fully committed. Anyone can begin a fitness training program after getting clearance from his or her physician, and there are thousands of different programs on the market today; however, the real trick comes in knowing how to achieve the personal fitness goals you have set forth.

Determining Your Own Personal Fitness Goals

Most people have a skewed idea of what fitness is exactly. Ask anyone, and they'll most likely envision a skinny model-like woman or a huge man that seems like he just stepped off the stage of a body-building competition. You, too, might think this, but personal physical fitness is something much more specialized and unique. This is where commitment comes into play. When most people think of the term "fitness," it has a broad range of definitions that each of us can apply to our own abilities. Fitness generally has nothing to do with your general weight or body shape. If you eat right and work out regularly, sticking to your individual fitness training program, odds are that you're on the right path.

The completion of personal fitness goals is controlled entirely by the mind. You have to want to get in shape. If your mind is not truly committed to the final outcome, your goals will never be met even under the best of circumstances or any obstacles that may impede the process. You, and only you, can control your commitment to fitness and ensure that you meet your personal fitness goals.

How to Stay Committed

The biggest challenge of a fitness training program or plan is teaching yourself to stay committed - the fact is that most plans fail because there is an overall lack of drive or inspiration to meet those individualized personal fitness goals. Luckily, you have a few options if you find it impossible to stick to your diet and workout plan. Most people talk about finding or using an exercise buddy, but never actually seek one out. Try finding someone at your gym or fitness center with a similar schedule or convince a friend or colleague to join you on your quest for fitness.

Another good way to keep focus is to promise yourself a reward if you meet your personal fitness goals. If you've always wanted a pretty piece of jewelry or a new television set, save up during your commitment challenge and splurge once you've met your planned goal. Promising yourself a reward will help you keep your eyes on something you want.

What If Your Fitness Goals Aren't Met?

When personal fitness goals are not met, disillusion and despair begin to set in, and the whole venture seems worthless. You must ultimately revisit your commitment to the fitness training program and process and take a long, hard look at all of the factors that are hindering your program. You might find that your level of commitment was lacking; for instance, knowing when you should have rested more, eaten better and more frequently, or perhaps even turned down that additional serving of alcohol or dessert. Some people might dismiss willpower as just a personality trait, but everyone has the ability to resist.

Once you re-examine the flaws of your fitness training program, you'll understand why you're not achieving the personal fitness goals you created. However, you must remember to make goals that are attainable and realistic, and this is where many people slip up in planning an effective fitness training program. Research acceptable weight loss or gain, find cookbooks meant for your diet, and set your schedule for workout times that are manageable.

The Bottom Line

Making your fitness training program fully attainable is the biggest part of ensuring commitment. Without realistic personal fitness goals, it is highly doubtful that you will succeed. Examine your routine as it is now and slowly work the new regime into your lifestyle. Once you start your fitness plan and get used to the motions, it soon becomes second nature to live a healthy lifestyle.

The bottom line is determining if you are really committed to this fitness venture. If you see getting in shape as just another item in a long list that may or may not be completed, this is probably not the right time to start your fitness training program. Look inside yourself and see if you have what it takes to make this goal a reality.


Things you may not have thought that Yoga can do for you

Yoga has been known to affect people’s health in many ways. Its primary function is to promote body relaxation and increase flexibility, but researchers have proven Yoga to have even greater affects on people’s health. In a recent study from Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, they showed how three 75 minute yoga sessions a week helped ease symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The study was performed on a group of women between the ages of 45 and 75. The Yoga sessions had other positive results for the group of women including: improved balance, and a decrease in symptoms of depression.

But, there are many ways that Yoga can help improve your health. Here lists 5 major and perhaps surprising things Yoga can do for you:

1. Helps Fight Food Cravings: Yes! It’s true! A regular Yoga routine can actually keep you from putting on that extra bit of weight you’ve been trying so desperately to fight off. Food cravings are generally known to strike when our body and muscles are feeling tense, therefore loosening muscles with Yoga movements can really make you fight off that chocolate bar craving. Prevention magazine put out a study where they used 15,500 average weight adult males and females - where they gained 3 fewer pounds annually over the course of four years when following a set routine of 30 minute Yoga sessions per week.

2. Increases Your Performance in the Bedroom: The movements that you use in Yoga aren’t only useful on a Yoga mat, but in the bedroom as well. Yoga is known to improve balance and flexibility. According to Women’s Health, yoga followers can use the strength and confidence they develop in Yoga for the bedroom. With such movements that increase your blood flow and body alignments that increase sexual desire, Yoga is definitely a bedroom enhancer. Poses that focus on abdominal contractions that strengthen your core will also strengthen your orgasms because of the focus on the pelvic muscles. Yoga can also make you more assertive under the sheets.

3. Helps Cancer Patients Sleep Easy: The focus on meditation and breathing in Yoga poses generally help relieve stress from your day, and make you sleep better at night. A study from the University of Texas Cancer Centre showed how cancer patients improved their sleeping patterns by practicing Tibetan yoga. Patients took a 20 minute yoga session once a week for a period of 7 weeks, leaving them falling asleep faster, easier, and having a reduction in their sleep medication dosages.

4. Decreases Risk of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases: Balancing your life with a regular Yoga routine can greatly benefit your heart. A study found in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, looking at 98 adults with different health issues (hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, etc.), found a huge improvement in cholesterol and blood sugar levels of these individuals with the addition of a regular Yoga routine. All 98 adults took part in an 8 day lifestyle modification program based on Yoga poses focusing on posture, meditation, breathing, support, and nutrition.

5. Makes for a Healthy Pregnancy: Yoga poses can not only calm you, but your little one swimming around inside you new mothers to be. According to a study found in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, new mothers who practice yoga tend to have a safe delivery. 335 women that were studied added a yoga routine during their second trimester, birthed healthy weight babies with lower pregnancy- induced hypertension.


Getting to Grips with Training your Grip

Do you frequently plateau on exercises like dead lifts and rows? Can’t get the “hang” of pull-ups? Do your hands get tired on those cozy nights in alone? Go on, be honest.

It’s really not surprising. One of the most neglected and unappreciated areas of development these days is grip training. Well what’s the point, right? Your forearms get worked during all the regular movements, don’t they! Don’t they?

Yes, to a point. Sure, compound movements like dead lifts will work your forearms to an extent, but there’s a limit to where indirect training can take you in this area. You’d be surprised how much you are limiting all your main lifts, simply because of your wimpy gripping abilities.

Remember that you are only as strong as your weakest link, so even if the rest of you can move 500lbs, if you can only hold onto 200lbs before your hands give out, you sure as hell ain't moving any more than that without a mechanical aid like lifting straps.

Grip strength is unlike training for overall size where compound movements are the king, and its unlike normal strength training in that you don’t have to use complicated periodization to work up to eventual PRs. What it does require is perseverance, and attention to detail.

Practically, all it takes is some extra time and effort in the gym, a little patience, and application of the general training rules that apply to everything else:

1 – Progressive Overload.
2 – Adequate Rest.
3 – Good Form.

That’s it.

Doesn’t sound too complicated, right? Well it isn’t, but there’s a big difference between “simple” and “easy”. Trust me. Grip training may be simple to understand, but it’ll take just as much concentration and dedication as every other part of your program. You get out what you put in.

Now it’s time to look at those details a little more closely.


There are really two ways you can go about this. Either put in a whole day dedicated to grip training, or spread it out through the week. Either way is good, the only way you’ll be able to figure out what works the best for your program set up is to experiment.

There are many different aspects to a complete grip training regime, and each is equally important as the others (weakest link thing, remember?). Here’s a quick run down:

Crushing Grip – How strong is your force application?
Static Grip – How long can you sustain this force?
Pinch Grip – How strong is your thumb on its own?
Wrist Strength – Can you stabilize your hand through all of this?
Finger Strength – Without them, holding things is tricky, right?

To incorporate all these elements, I’ve included some basic exercises for you to try, as well as a brief description of each training type. There are other areas such as extensor training which are also very important, but for the sake of keeping this article free of a hundred different tangents, I haven’t included them here.

If you opt for putting in a day solely for this type of training, id suggest leaving a few minutes rest between each type of grip training as you move through the session. Since you are focusing on one aspect of your body, it can get fatigued easily if sub-optimal recovery is used.


The Order is Important - Steps to a proper workout

1. Stretching - The simplest way to remember what form of stretching to use is to think dynamic before, static after. Use a dynamic warm-up before performing any resisted movements and follow this up with static stretching after your last rep. Shoot me a reply if you would like a sample dynamic warm-up to incorporate into your workouts.

2. Lifting - Use compound movements prior to isolation exercises, if at all. Compound movements include squats, deadlifts, pushes and pulls and involve a number of muscles over two or more joints. You will be able to handle greater loads, with better technique earlier in the workout than if saved for the end.

3. Speed of movement - Once you are good and warm we want to perform faster movements before slower movements. Plyometrics and Olympics lifts should be performed before a slow and steady exercise such as a chin up. Another point to remember here is to the faster you are hoping to go the more essential it is to do a thorough and proper warm-up.

4. Core training - Perform core exercises that stabilize before you mobilize. Think of how much you can move your extremities without moving the trunk. Once you are proficient at stabilizing the core then you can progress to mobilizing it. Core mobilizations involve activities that flex, extend, rotate and side bend the torso. In addition, with your core training start with drills in the sagittal plane (think front and back), progress to frontal plane drills (think side to side) and lastly incorporate drills that incorporate the transverse plane (think rotational) to develop an optimal core.

5. Energy system training - I don't call this cardio because I believe most people will do slow steady-state exercise if I label it as such. Save your energy system training for after you have performed the lifting portion of your workout. I see too many people do 30-60 minutes on the treadmill and then proceed to begin lifting. I wonder if I offered them $1000 if they could do a personal best squat, meaning lifting the most weight they have ever done, how many of these cardio kings and queens would say 'hold on, let me go warm-up on the treadmill for 60 minutes first'? Probably not very many. Our energy is a finite supply which we constantly have to replenish with our food intake. Lower energy levels and a fatigued nervous system do not translate to optimal lifting on the training room floor.

6. Nutrition - Make sure you eat before your workout and as soon after as possible. The timing before will vary based on the type and amount of what was consumed as well as due to personal variations. Post-workout eat right after your last rep. The formulation should be anywhere from 2:1 to a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Use the lower ratio if body shaping and weight loss is the goal and the second ratio if performance is your game.

Keep these tips in mind next time you step in the gym to ensure an efficient, effective and well ordered workout.


The Benefits of Personal Training

 Many people today are making a clear decision to make exercise a part of their lifestyle and regular routine to maintain optimal health. Generally it is recognised that a balanced exercise program of fitness, flexibility and strength will help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, help manage your weight, strengthen bones, improve sleep, increase energy and make you look and feel fantastic!

However, for someone new to exercise, getting going can be a little overwhelming especially if the last time you participated in any structured physical activity was in PE class at High School. To ensure your training experience is a positive one and to avoid your motivation dwindling after your first exercise session, hire a personal trainer to design you a program specific to your needs.

Today having a personal trainer is affordable with alot of people taking advantage of it. Using a personal trainer will fast track your results by teaching you the right technique and providing structure and monitoring progressions on programs specific to your requirements. The following are some benefits and tips for getting started with personal fitness training and to ensure you find a personal fitness trainer that matches you and your needs.

A professional personal trainer can conduct a full baseline assessment that may include a health questionnaire, body composition, strength tests, core functionality, range of motion and diet and lifestyle analysis. Assessments are a positive way to identify your requirements and anything that may need to be considered before creating a structured program, such as corrective exercise to rehabilitate an existing injury.

Working with a personal fitness trainer can help you stay motivated and can also keep you accountable. Results are generally just on the other side of your comfort zone and the extra push, motivation and encouragement is very helpful, especially when you have just finished a long day at work and the couch or bar stool are the first thing that springs to mind. Appropriately mixing your program, will not only keep training interesting, but will ensure maximum results. Humans are designed to adapt very fast." An exercise program that may be difficult initially, becomes easier within weeks. To avoid a training plateau, working with a fitness trainer who can design programs to continually challenge you will yield the best results.

To get exactly what you want, it is important that you choose the right fitness trainer. If you have a clear goal such as weight loss it would be advised to meet with your potential fitness trainer first to make sure he or she has the expertise in the area of diet and weight loss. Read testimonials and ask for a client case study. Experience and skills vary in the personal training and fitness industry, so by asking questions you should be made to feel more comfortable about using a particular fitness trainer. Not only does your fitness trainer need to be results orientated, it is important that you get along, especially if you are going to be spending some considerable time with them.

Depending on an individuals goals and budget, personal training works differently for everyone. You may be interested in using a personal trainer, personal fitness training, a fitness trainer, personal training several times a week, or it might be more economical for to see your personal trainer once a fortnight. Either way, using a personal trainer with some form of regularity will give you clarity, support, motivation, consistency, information, structure and accountability.


The Only Three Things You Will Ever Need to Lose Weight

Dieting and weight loss are probably two of the most exploited business opportunities in modern society. Fear sells products and not fitting in is a very scary thing. Even though nobody is judging you on your weight, your mind will tell you otherwise and that insecurity is usually enough to get you to drop lots of money on pills, prepackaged food and odd exercise equipment. The fact of the matter is that humans simply weren't built for modern work environments and we rarely get exercise by natural means. Even though everybody is different, the human body reacts in very similar ways when we want to increase or decrease fat and muscle. Although they would have you believe it's a very difficult process, losing weight is scientifically very simple, but disciplinarily, incredibly difficult. Before you even start, make sure that you replace every thought of "losing weight" with "being healthy" because that is simply what is most important.

Knowledge of Nutrition
The body is an ecosystem and if you don't know what you're putting into it, you really have no idea what is going to happen to it as a result. While having a fantastic knowledge of nutrition and vitamins is great for an understanding of perfect balance, it's certainly not a requirement. You know which foods are good for you and which aren't and simply looking at nutrition facts table should clear up any confusion you might have.

Most of us learned about the food pyramid in high school. Unfortunately many of us don't follow the guidelines set out in the food pyramid, even though we know we would be healthier and probably lose some weight. Start reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists to find which food items are lower in sodium (salt), sugars, saturated, and trans fats. Try choosing those that are higher in fiber, protein, unsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals. Making healthy food choices takes some time and effort, but the positive health benefits from eating a healthy diet is well worth that extra effort.

Human bodies have evolved to be hunter-gatherers and as such, needed a lot of running and walking to keep them in proper shape. Today, we don't need to walk anywhere so we have to make up for it with exercise. If you want to lose weight, doing stuff is an absolute necessity. Don't believe all these miracle pills and other diets that claim to make you into a superman without doing any exercise. Their claims are simply unnatural and probably very unhealthy. Exercise is a requirement for any healthy human body, which really should be your goal.

Do whatever you can to stay active. If you hate running, or are scared of the gym, take up a sport that you used to play as a kid. Ride you bike, hit the treadmill, start playing tennis... do anything that gets you moving and keeps you happy. Once you have achieved a consistent active lifestyle, you'll begin to feel better. Stress levels decrease in people who exercise regularly, and your body will also feel better. You'll breathe deeper, run further, and smile more. Seriously, exercise makes your life better and if you leave it out of your weight loss routine, you will be worse off for it.

Obviously, if losing weight fast were as simple as I've stated in the paragraphs above, there wouldn't be 63.1% of us overweight. I think that the biggest problem with obesity and weight loss is the simple fact that our society encourages laziness. Sit on the couch and watch advertising; it's what make America America but it won't let you burn many calories. American businesses make money by selling products to Americans and they do that by advertising to you. The couch is your enemy and the most powerful forces in corporate America back it, so winning this battle with the bulge is going to take some assistance.

Personally, I find that procrastination is the single biggest obstacle in my way when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Let's face it, sitting on the couch is easy and so is putting stuff off. The problem with procrastination is that, like everything else, the more you do it, the better you get at it. There are, however, a number of really excellent ways to battle this laziness.

First of all, get a friend. Social support is another thing that has gone the way of the buffalo with our modern society and it's really really important to both mental and physical well-being. Get a friend, lover, child or anybody else you happen to get along with to hold you to your goals. Somebody eating the same diet as you and exercising with your plan will increase your chances of successfully changing your lifestyle dramatically. You really have to keep each other motivated and the bigger the community, the more crushing the guilt will be when you fall off.

If people aren't your thing, go online and find a community that wants to help you be healthier. There are plenty of them, but I find that the weight loss support forum is probably the most supportive and genuine group I have found. The more you integrate with the community that you choose to become a part of, the better your results will be and the better you will feel.

Also in the help category will be things like recipe books and other support materials, but I think what is most important is that you realize just how much better life is when you are healthy. YOU are the game changer and ultimately, it is you that has to make the decision to be a healthier person. Please don't expect to be able to take a pill and lose weight because nothing worth having is that simple. You will feel accomplished, more confident, healthier, and your life will simply be better if you completely change your lifestyle to accommodate your body. After all, you've only got one.


Injuries in running

 As a chiropractor in Kelowna, there is a tendency to see certain ailments or injuries more at a given time of year.  For me personally, since I tend to treat a lot of runners and triathletes as part of my practice, I notice a bump in the rate of running related injuries at this time of year.  Runners are abnormally prone to injury, in fact somewhere between 65-80% of runners will experience a significant injury during the course of a year.   Many people at this time of year increase their running distances either just for exercise or because they are training for some of the many races in the Okanagan.  Believe it or not, marathon and ½ marathon programs for the Okanagan Marathon are starting even though that race is not until October.

Two of the most common injuries that I treat for runners are “shin splints” (properly termed MTSS) and disorders of the Achilles tendon and calf area.  These are both injuries which may start with relatively mild symptoms but can quickly progress to a point where an athlete has to take time away from running in order to recover.  Convincing a runner to take time off can be difficult as they are a stubborn bunch.

Shin splints is a common disorder and is really a misnomer.  In the vast majority of cases it is actually a soft tissue injury affecting the front muscles of the lower leg.  It often feels like a bony injury however, only in rare cases does it progress to something like a stress fracture.  Most often, the symptoms are felt hours or the day after activity. If they progress, symptoms can become more intense and actually affect running.  Initial treatment for this should include dedicated icing and strengthening of the calf muscles.  Manual therapy such as Active Release Technique® can be very helpful in breaking up adhesions in the muscles.  One newer self help technique that has become popular recently is the use of compression socks.  Many athletes are now using these before, during and after running to help reduce symptoms.  In my practice, I have sent several patients to local running stores and they have found a noticeable decrease in pain levels.  The compression socks that are available are surprisingly stylish as well!  If symptoms get to the point where they are affecting the actual activity, some time away and a consultation with a professional is required.

Achilles tendonitis and calf injuries are also quite common for runners.  This is often the result of hard running or rolling terrain.  Achilles injuries can be quite debilitating and, if not taken care of early, these injuries can progress into permanent tissue damage.  Strengthening exercises for the feet, stretching of the calf muscles and increasing ankle mobility is recommended.  With these injuries it is important to match your running style with proper shoes.  More expensive shoes are not necessarily the solution.  In fact, one study has shown that people with pricier footwear tend to get injured more!

Both of these injuries are manageable and with the right course of action, can be quickly resolved to keep you moving.


Ways to Lower Your Health Care Costs

1. Take advantage of the magic of movement. Engaging in physical activity on a regular basis is one of the most effective and rewarding ways to lower your health care expenses. Numerous studies show that not only does exercise lower your risk of contracting almost all chronic medical conditions, it also helps keep you healthier in the near term as well. As a result, the number of times you need to see a physician will fall, as will the amount of money you’ll need to spend on medication(s).

2. Practice good dental hygiene. Flossing several times a day (particularly after meals and before bedtime) will help reduce your chances of getting cavities and having to make a visit to a dentist. Flossing to remove food and plaque from between the teeth also can help prevent gum disease - another potentially costly detour from sound oral health.

3. Get a good night’s sleep. The benefits of a good night’s sleep should not be underestimated. Sleep is essential to good health and to mental and emotional well-being. A number of studies have shown that individuals who get an inadequate amount of sleep are at a higher risk for contracting certain medically related problems, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular complications, and depression. Each of these problems can have a substantial impact on your level of health care expense.

4. Practice healthy eating habits. Consuming a healthy diet and adhering to sound eating habits can not only make you look and feel better, it also can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, help protect you from osteoporosis, and boost your immune system. Among the steps that you can take to help make sure that your dietary and eating habits don’t wreak havoc on your efforts to minimize your health care costs are to eat breakfast every morning, add fish and omega-3 fatty acids to your diet, and eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

5. Don’t be a dope and smoke. Smoking exposes you to a variety of toxins, carcinogens, and suspected carcinogens - all of which can lead to a litany of health-related problems, particularly heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Not only will smoking have a negative impact on your health, it also will diminish your chances of obtaining low-cost quality insurance. Given the fact that smoking a single cigarette can purportedly take one and one-half minutes from your expected life span, smoking can easily be viewed as a costly form of self-administered suicide - one drag at a time.

6. Keep things in perspective. Chill out. Don’t let stress unduly affect your life or your health. Uncontrolled stress can (and will) evolve into distress, a condition that can disturb your body’s internal equilibrium. When this negative stress reaction occurs, your body can experience physical symptoms, such as a headache, an upset stomach, an elevated level of blood pressure, chest pain, sleep-related problems, and sexual dysfunction, as well as emotional problems (e.g., depression, anxiety, etc). Although you can’t always control what events happen to you in your life, you can control how you react to those events.

7. Be aware of your family’s health profile. Knowing your family’s health history can enable you to make appropriate adjustments to how you lead your life (e.g., diet, physical activity level, lifestyle practices, etc), when they’re warranted, to give you the best chance to avoid developing a particular medically related condition or disease that runs in your family. Such adjustments can have both short- and long-term financial implications for you.

8. Buy generic brand medications whenever possible. Generic medicines, which are less-expensive copies of brand-name medicines, offer an easy way to lower your health care costs. Although generic equivalents are not available for every brand-name medicine that is on the market, when they are available, they provide the same level of safety and effectiveness when they’re used as intended. When questions arise concerning whether a generic equivalent exists for a particular brand-name medicine, your physician and/ or pharmacist can be a good source of information.

9. Pick an insurance co-pay policy option that fits who you really are. If you are a person who seldom goes to see a physician, you probably should not select a low co-pay option on your health insurance policy. Such an option involves having you pay a premium for your health care that is somewhat unwarranted, given your health history. In turn, if you’re a person who frequently sees a doctor, you will benefit (cost-wise) from having a policy that features a lower co-pay, even if it involves paying a higher premium.

10. Stay healthy. Staying healthy can have a noteworthy impact on your efforts to control your health insurance costs. The cost of private-market health insurance plans generally fluctuate according to how healthy you are, given your age. Factors such as your weight, cholesterol level, blood pressure level, and history of other medical conditions will affect how affordable your health care plan will be.


Tabata training is a form of interval training

Tabata training is a form of interval training invented by Izumi Tabata in the 1990's. This specific protocol of interval training involves performing 20 second intervals of all-out intensity, followed by 10 seconds of rest. This cycle is repeated 8 times, making the entire interval workout last only 4 minutes. The short duration of this workout, coupled with the positive effects that its followers experience, are likely the main reasons for the Tabata method's rising popularity.

In a 1996 study, published in the Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Tabata and his colleagues found that 7-8 bouts of ultra-intense (170% VO2max) cycling with 10 seconds of rest between each bout, 5 days per week for 6 weeks, resulted in in both aerobic and anaerobic energy system improvements. In comparison, a training regime involving 6 weeks of moderate intensity endurance training (70% of VO2max, 60 minutes per day, 5 days per week) resulted in improvements in aerobic capacity, but not in anaerobic capacity. The high intensity interval regime not only improved both energy systems, the aerobic improvement was larger for the Tabata-style group than the moderate intensity group.

Tabata training has been used mostly by athletes, but is quickly gaining popularity among the general population. The most commonly performed Tabata workouts involve running (or rather, sprinting) on a grassy field or a running track, either indoors or outdoors. Because of the intensity (high speed and/or incline) required, performing Tabata sprints on a treadmill would be difficult to perform properly and would likely be dangerous. Tabata-style workouts can be done in a variety of ways, such as on an exercise bike, in a pool, and even using a cross trainer or elliptical machine. More recently, it has been adapted into almost any type of circuit training (ie. pushups, burpees, squat jumps, etc.), as long as the exercise that you're doing requires you to “give it your all” for those 20 seconds.

Although it might seem tempting to replace all of your workouts with Tabata training, that might not be the best idea. A varied approach to your fitness is always ideal. Also, due to the exhausting nature of Tabata workouts, it is generally recommended to ease into it slowly, by performing extended warm-ups and by starting with one Tabata workout per week, and slowly graduating to two or three.


The Workout Avid Texters and Typers Should be Doing

Have you ever worked out with weighted balls? I never gave them much thought until I stumbled upon the workout video below. The arm, shoulder, and back exercises look like standard moves I’ve performed with dumbbells many times before so why the weighted balls? Do they work different muscles than dumbbells?  Do they make moves harder or easier to perform? Are there any benefits to using a weighted ball in place of regular weights? I just had to know so I gave celebrity trainer and SHAPE Editor-at-Large, Jay Cardiello, a call.

Just like a dumbbell, a weighted ball will help you sculpt your arms, shoulders, back, and chest but, if you have a job where you’re typing at your desk all day, you may want to switch to weighted balls.Unlike a dumbbell this type of weight allows you to work the individual joins of your fingers increasing your grip, wrist, and forearm strength.  Why would you want to increase finger strength you ask?  “It will help you be less prone to carpal tunnel syndrome,” says Cardiello.

According to Cardiello, using the weighted balls, “can work fingers on a unilateral basis (not familiar with unilateral training? Find out what it is and why you should be doing it here), which is especially important when you’re texting, typing, or on your iPad all day.” The only disadvantage to the weighted ball is that, as it gets heavier, you will need to use two hands to lift it simply due to an increased circumference.

Considering I spend all day typing these blogs it looks like I’ll be picking up a set of weighted balls soon ($15; amazon.com). In the meantime I’ll be doing this workout video below with my five-pound dumbbells.

Do you use weighted balls? Do you find them any more or less challenging than traditional weights? Please share your experience in the comments below and give this 10-minute upper body workout video a try!


Buying Your Physical Fitness Equipment

A good deal of people find that physical fitness is very important but they do not want to spend the time or the money going to the gym. This is common enough and for people that feel this way there is a lot of great physical fitness equipment on the market that can be purchased for your own home gym. This equipment ranges from quite inexpensive to very costly depending on the type of work out that you plan to do and what quality of equipment that you need to use to achieve your desired results. Luckily, there are many different types of gym equipment so that you can get in shape at home no matter what your budget is.

 The most obvious physical fitness equipment that you can buy to use in your home is free weights. These come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and weights and you can choose the type that is best for you. You can purchase adjustable free weights that will allow you to essentially take off and add weight to the same bar as you desire. There are also free weights that are a specific weight and you cannot change it. If you are lifting weights to really bulk up you may want to buy the free weights that you can continue to add weight onto as you go. If you are using weights to tone up and add just a small amount of definition you may only need to buy a couple sets of free weights. If cost is a factor you may find that the adjustable free weights are more expensive so it might be better to choose the other variety. Free weights are a relatively affordable type of physical fitness equipment and really can help you improve your body and burn calories.

 There are other great physical fitness equipment options that are not all that expensive and can be used in almost any space. Some of these items are an exercise ball, a jump rope, resistance or stretch band, and floor mats. All of these items are quite affordable and can be stored under a bed, in a closet, or even an empty corner of a room. You can pick these items up just about anywhere that sells physical fitness equipment, although you might want to shop around for the best deals.

 Other physical fitness equipment options include elliptical trainers, treadmills, weight lifting and resistance system such as Bowflex, and a whole array of equipment that can provide consumers with cardiovascular work outs as well as weight lifting. There is physical fitness equipment that can work just about every part of the body and some that will truly give a full body workout. Each person has to choose the type of equipment that is right for them and that should be based on their current body type and fitness level as well as where they hope to get physically.

 You can purchase physical fitness equipment in a variety of places ranging from your local super store to the Internet. Chances are there are a lot of opportunities in your local area to buy the equipment that you would like to have in your home. If this is the case, you should definitely shop around before you buy. Many people get sucked in by the awesome prices that are offered on the Internet, but after you pay for the shipping of these heavy items you will likely have paid more than the product is worth. It's always a good idea to buy locally if at all possible so that you can return or exchange parts if the product proves to be damaged, faulty, or just does not work as advertised.

 Physical fitness equipment can be difficult to buy when you don't know exactly what you are getting. If you can help it do not simply take the word of a salesperson or infomercial expert, get on the equipment or use the equipment if at all possible. This is the only way to know if the equipment will be the right fit for you! Also, be mindful of your budget and purchase only the fitness equipment that you can afford but will also hold up well over time.